2-floor walls are generally bugged when creating 2nd floor in configuration different from the 1st, then creating roof for the 1st.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create 1st floor (foundation and walls)
- Create 2nd floor (floor only) smaller than the 1st (see image for example)
- Cover the rest of the 1st floor with roof.
Expected Results:
Walls of the 1st floor should stay unchanged when they are not under its roof (for example, under 2nd floor), otherwise extended upwards to connect with the roof.
Actual Results:
1-floor walls not covered by the roof (but covered by 2nd floor) are extended upwards to the highest point of the roof (and changes when the roof changes). This effect can be visually masked later with 2-floor walls, but only if they take the same space.
This effect is not reversable and persists even if you use the “undo” button to remove the roof. Currently the only way to avoid it is to use save prior to adding roof & load afterwards.
As a side effect, you won’t be able to add 2-floor walls after you placed a 1-floor roof (but can do it the other way around).
I’m actually sure this has already been reported. Writing it down just in case. Yes, that was the thing I briefly mentioned earlier in an unrelated report (Can’t place walls).
Version Number and Mods in use: