Can't place walls

Can confirm the problem is still present in release 549. Building removal is actually not necessary.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place some slabs with height=1. Size doesn’t matter, one block is enough.
  2. Place floor blocks (rectangular foundation) attaching them to the side of those slabs (important!). See image for reference.

    Expected Results:
    Placed floor blocks are acceptable for “Raise walls” tool.

Actual Results:
“Raise walls” won’t work on this floor. Removing slabs via “Eraser” doesn’t help. We now have a floorplan that can’t be built upon (aside from slabs and free-standing walls tool).

Sometimes similar thing happens with second floor, especially when the floor doesn’t entirely cover the first level and was edited before trying to use “Raise walls”. I haven’t figured the exact steps for this one.

Version Number and Mods in use:
Alpha 15 release 549, vanilla

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