Bug: Footmen cannot decide between fighting and eating

It sounds like a variant on my post. I didn’t have the music going on over and over when they got stuck. In the end I think I just had to wait until the goblin got off the fireplace and attacked, at which point my soldiers slaughtered the poor goblin and proceeded to obliterate the encampment.
Your problem sounds more like its bugged on the part where the goblin wants to get off the fire pit, but can’t…
On which note, I think that the main deviating feature seems to be that you removed your soldiers from the party. Which could have invoked the battle music bug.

If you encounter the issue again, the best option for the time being is just to wait for the goblin to get off the fire pit in his own time. (i.e. wait for it to raid your village)

P.S. Welcome to Hearthling Society! :smile: