Hey Hearthfolks -
Several people have been asking for unfinished artworks or assets, and while on a whole we are not sure we want to release “old trash assets” that weren’t put into the game for a variety of reasons - there was one project that we had hoped to do but never got around to finishing, and that is an update to the Blacksmith’s workbenches. It was actually to be the first of a rework for all crafter’s workbenches, but as you may have noticed, we didn’t even finish the first one. That said, we did some work that we are proud of and would love to see someone else take the reigns to finish the original intent (should someone be interested).
I will do my best to walk you guys through our drawings, but please remember that they are just concepts (we never arrived at the point of modeling). And if someone does want to make these, please feel free to veer off concept and make what works for you in the end - and don’t worry about it, going off concept happens all the time ; ).
One piece of context we should provide: part of the idea of this rework was going to be that crafters would “upgrade” their workbenches and unlock new abilities (like being able to smelt silver/gold) - so that’s why there are two versions of these in the end (basic & advanced). Actually making upgrading workbenches would require a lot of data rework/restructuring - however, if you look at the upgraded potter’s wheel & kiln (in the RC mod, they are some of the tier 3 rewards), you can see that we did eventually make a system for using different assets as the same workbenches (so you could fake it if you don’t want to do the whole re-work).
I should also say that we never actually decided on any of these concepts - so I may say this or that was final, but nothing ever is until you’re done right? ; D
And one final addendum - all of the artworks shown here are @Allie 's art (posted with her approval), so all compliments should go to her ; ). I did contribute to these designs, but none of my work ended up being worth showing.
So for starters - we’ve got the basic anvil:
Here you can see Allie’s progress as she went through various iterations of what the basic anvil could look like, and the lowest one on the right is what we settled on.
For the advanced anvil, I wont bother to show you all the work in progress (there was too much and it was all much more unfinished), but this is what we settled on in the end:
The glowy bits inside are just meant to make it look awesome - it would still function as a simple anvil. I think I remember the idea was that this anvil would allow working with steel/silver/gold where the basic anvil wouldn’t. The slits on the side also ended up visually tying to the furnace so they were a little more connected.
Next we have the Furnace.
The layout of this image is a little confusing but bear with me. The top row was us thinking about the basic furnace, and you can see we were playing with what the various shapes could be. In the end we went with the 3rd from the left as it tied more into the larger shapes we were thinking of for the advanced furnace, and we didn’t want too large a jump between shape language (the pot one was cute, but just too different).
For the advanced furnace, I believe the final is the one in the lower center. The two rows of drawings are allie’s explorations on the types of shapes and various attachments which would go well together, and eventually merged into the right side drawing. It is not super clear in these drawings, but the pumpbags on the side were going to swivel back and forth in time with the crank wheel above with “invisible connections” between them - similar to hearthling arms/legs.
And finally, we have some “in scene” drawings of what a workshop could look like in the end. You will notice slight differences between these exploration drawings and the above concepts - its just artist’s leeway ; D. Again, nothing was ever finalized. For a moment we had considered making water buckets where blacksmiths would quench the thing they were working on. You also may notice that many of the shapes of things ended up looking animalistic - this was intentional and was us trying to make the assets cuter : ).
I wish I could say we have more explorations like this, but honestly I think this is it. We never got around to the other crafters - but if you look close you can see the groundwork for what became the input/output bins : D. We hope you guys enjoyed this little peek into development of the game - this was a really fun project that we were sad we didn’t get to finish. Haha, I should also say, this was probably the most organized we ever were in our development, so you definitely won’t ever see this kind of exploration for basically anything else we worked on - because we didn’t go through this process. But just to throw my two cents in, it is totally worth taking the time to explore designs like this - if you’ve got the time to spare ; ).