Auto-Assing Beds

A tiny little thingy similar to “Auto-Loot” where you can toggle it in settings.

This will reduce a lot of the micro-management.


I don’t like this idea very much. It would suck bigtime if I had to scoot around looking at all my beds and making sure they were assigned to the right person or that the right person was only assigned to one bed so they’d sleep in their house.


would be nice if you could assign a house for a specific profession say a carpenter and it will only auto assign a carpenter if he does not already have a bed.

Would like for it also to allow for you to setup containers filters for houses and save it and everytime you build a carpenters house those containers are always correctly set instead of managing 20 boxes everytime :slight_smile: a bit off topic maybe


This is exactly what I want

That’s a really good point actually, didn’t think of that.

So almost like houses have preset types…so if you select carpenter for the building…

  1. The supply tables would default to the supplies carpenters use…say you have 3 it would have wood, cloth, and flakes. But if you have 5 maybe it will also have leather or flowers or what ever the carpenter needs…going back to wood for excess.

  2. The storage boxes/finished product shelves in the area would default to carpenter stuff like wood and construction stuff etc.

  3. The beds would auto-assign carpenters to them (maybe highest level first so they’re happier and create better quality).

That would be freaking awesome :D.


This would be perfect!

One thing that would also be nice is if the template could adjust the mean beds to the comfy beds as it recognizes you have the possibility to make them

I’ve been saying that since the beginning…we shouldn’t be able to choose the quality items have, the carpenter/mason/potter/etc should go upgrade them as they have more skill so ALL furniture would start as basic and be leveled up almost. But it wouldn’t change a mean bed to a comfortable bed you’d just get a prettier mean bed lol.


Yeah that would be pretty nice, if there was a button that would be “upgrade-duty” or something, as in the crafters would notice an item with a lower item-level, and if they had the possibility replace the lower itemlevel item with the higher one.


@sdee, hello. Could the team pay attention to this topic please?
It seems to me a very good idea that will make micromanagement easier.

I’m not a modder, so below is just a guess on how to do it.

  1. Expand the description of each profession by adding the materials used.
  2. In the Builder UI add a window in which you can choose a profession for the building or not choose.
    2.1 Add general categories - kitchen, bedroom, storage, etc.
  3. After the construction of the building, the filters of the chests is sets from the description of the profession from point 1.
    3.1 If there is a supply basin in the building, depending on the number of them, the filter is installed sequentially for each of the resources.
    Example. For the carpenter the materials - wood and cloth are defined. During the construction, only one supply basin was added, so its filter will be installed as a wood.
    The second example. Three containers have been added, their filters will be wood, cloth, wood.
    3.2 You can extend the Builder UI and show how many supply basin you need to add building for this profession so that the worker always has all the materials at hand :slight_smile:
  4. If the bed has been added, then it is assigned to employees in order they was assigned to work.
    4.1 Beds for buildings general categories (“bedroom”) are assigned by the workers.

In my opinion this solution is easily scalable and can be used for mods.

So to avoid micro you need to micro? All those configurations the player would need to do is as much work as doing the old way. Besides what use assign a profession to a house has? What if there is two beds in it, which will be chose? I would not like it if the class picked the wrong bed. What if the house has multiple people living in it?

I really think you guys overcomplicated the idea. The best way to avoid micro is to simple use the same system the game “oxygen not included” uses.
There, beds can also be assigned. Once someone needs to sleep, he will go to his bed, and in case he has no bed assigned, the game will find one that is not owned by anyone and auto assigned that bed to him.
Done, Can’t be simpler than that.
Next time he wants to sleep, he will use that same bed. You can later change who owns what later.

That way tho a weaver will sleep in a carpenters house ect.
But it would be better than current system atleast and then you only have to assign the more specific places such as profession houses beds

With my idea
If you for example make a carpenters house with 2 beds you could set it up for only carpenters to sleep there and same for carpenter items for all storage boxes and the idea is that this is applied on the saved template so if you reuse your template you only have to do this one time instead of current system where you have to setup 20 boxes every time you build the templates and assign 2 beds everytime which would be good to avoid imo for your own use but also when sharing templates on the Steam Workshop.

You could also allow to setup all beds for a house per proffesion of course and if they switch profession they will unassign current bed and look for a new suiting one

That way you would just drop template and build it no more steps to be done.

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So to avoid micro you need to micro? All those configurations the player would need to do is as much work as doing the old way.

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. Configuration by the user is minimal. The first point is implemented by the developers/moders while “creating” profession.
So the micro will not be so much. Let’s compare. Without it we place containers, and after construction we click on each and assign a filter. With it we place containers and after construction the filters are already assigned. Additionally assigned beds for workers.

Besides what use assign a profession to a house has? What if there is two beds in it, which will be chose? I would not like it if the class picked the wrong bed. What if the house has multiple people living in it?

If there are two beds then 1) If there is one carpenter, then it occupies the first placed bed in the editor 2) if there are two carpenters, then the first assigned takes the first bed and so on.

I really think you guys overcomplicated the idea. The best way to avoid micro is to simple use the same system the game “oxygen not included” uses.
There, beds can also be assigned. Once someone needs to sleep, he will go to his bed, and in case he has no bed assigned, the game will find one that is not owned by anyone and auto assigned that bed to him.
Done, Can’t be simpler than that.
Next time he wants to sleep, he will use that same bed. You can later change who owns what later.

The proposed system is optional as autoloot. So the user may not use it if he doesn’t want to.

This is assuming that nothing will be changed, which is not always the case. For example, you can easily get a “mason house” and use it for your farmer.

You’d change it to zone for a farmer if you wanted that?