I’ve got supplies and things that need built, but some of my builders are just standing around rocking on their heels. Would be good to be able to click on them and right click an object and select “Build Now!” to break them out of their funk.
if its a promoted citizen you can usually “wake them” via adding a new item to their work queue… they will go perform that task, and then resume whatever other menial tasks are at hand (if they are able)…
Thanks Steve, seems to do the trick. No one mining designated spots seems to still be an issue sometimes though, even if I delete the zone and re-set. I’m sure it will work itself out as update happen…
Did you try to save and reload the game? Sometimes it does the trick for me.
But I too have the issue that some mining spots, farther away from the “main activity” zone are not mined.
Sometimes if you have them set with the party group you can use that to re-motivate them. Set a guard point have them assemble, then release them (Doesn’t work all the time but it helps sometimes).
I find that activating Town Defense mode (and then immediately deactivating it) works to “wake up” workers who are just standing around. I assume it flkushes their AI “to do” queues or something.
i think this should be merged with my topic and this topic^^