64-Bit Stonehearth is crashing

i have set it on false ^^ the game works io but the citizens freeze every 2 seconds for 1 second - but the game works still also the camera movement - so i think its a issue with pathfinding or the lua ^^

edit: for test - i have removed the complete line ^^ -> same issue - its like the citizens needs time to think on which block they want to set their feet next xD (for example they get corn freeze they have corn in their hands runs to the stone HUCH i have already something in my hands freeze go back to storage lets fall the corn and run to the stone ^^

edit2: everytime when it freeze the lua is at 100% ^^ hmmm when i think of it - arent the luas online? so that the get the informations from your server? perhaps is that the problem ca - just an idea ^^

edit3: ok sometimes its also native task with reach 100% and freeze - its like the system has a limit and my pc wants to breach it :wink:

edit4: if you want i can give an screening of this issue :wink: at the moment i upload it on dropbox (just for info 60fps anf fullsize = 26seconds a 338mb xD -> sry first try)

edit5: perhaps it has something todo with this bug

edit6: soooo 3 hours for 25seconds … i must find another way or reduce the settings xD - here is the video and some benchmarks - have fun -> i hope it helps :wink: