A21 Chabonit`s Mod - Wealth and Leadership R15.04

NEWS without release:

Bug Fixing:
Thank you i found the brackets running around in the jsons and eliminated them. Json could not be read to deliver stockpiling…fixed that

Thank you Precious Gem stone is now stockpiled as gem

@Fornjotr, @Hiroyugane_DE
scaled down the spawn rate of gems by about 30%…testing will show if that is low enough
i want to have that diamonds are really rare, we will get there step by step. But if you mine 50000 stone there always will be lots of gems

Known issues:
Crafter menu not connected to crafting window of the jeweler

In Progress:

  • campaign is fnished but not balanced to take effect in end content
  • class is implemented but not tested

Testing Phase for fnishing for the next Release is now beginning


Bug report:
Buff descriptions are broken.

thank searched for the bug
found it
was just a bracket - string open close thing in my en json

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Sry Release is coming up like a very slow snail. I am very busy with the family home.

Play testing is going on very well. Suprisingly with very little typos so far.
The biggest thing i encounter is how to balance the campaign. So far i want to start at citizen count 20 and end up at 30. I hope it is now possible for everyone to reach that without serious performance problems.
You will need blacksmith, carpenter, weaver, knight and of course jeweler at lvl 6 to craft everything that unlocks throughout the campaign.

Maybe you have a opinion about the balancing
( and maybe someone can fully explain me the maths of the net worth calc in the daily campaign in detail the max math function)


NEWS without Release

Hello out there,
just a little update on the progress of the last week. I did nearly 200 hours of work at home in 16 days so time was very very short which slowed down the progress of my new mod release to near zero.

playtesting with 1 hour a day got me to a “near finished” point to a releasable state.
I must apologize before i release. It will be a kind of Beta Release because a lot of icons are not drawn and content is very very short. But that is all written down and will follow as soon as possible.

Here is a little sneak peak on the new class.
The Leader

Just a few more days and i will upload to release


R014 Beta - Wealth and Leadership

I just had to release this now:

No craches are found at my play testing but there is not much content in the Leader class. Symbols and icons are just not there, the workbench graphic is not finished and so on…


The Release is mostly about the JEWELER CAMPAIGN
This campaign starts at net worth 7700 and goes along your town growing. You will need lots of gold ingots and in the end 27 citizens.
The campaign unlocks many recipes needed for the leader, but also a lot of furniture and decoration for everything.

So live long and prosper.


  • scaled down ALL gem drops and quartz sand drops from mining by about 30%
  • scaled down odsidian drop even more
  • scaled down experience gain for the Jeweler
  • changed tagging of awakened wood
  • implemented jeweler crafting shortcut in crafter menu
  • BUG FIXed posted by @Lee_Adrian_CatFox
  • BUG FIXED posted by @Kobold101
  • BUGs FIXED posted by @dalabo

Please post just everything you see like or dislike

Next Steps:

  • Finishing touches to the Leader class impementing recipes, workbenches, effects and building templates
  • fine tuning the Jeweler campaign maybe expanding it

In Progress:
laying out resource lines from my mod
thinking about next classes


Hi, Chabonit! Your mod give a second breath for Stonehearth! Thank for you job!

I hope you enjoy the campaign. It nearly blew my mind laying it out and building up the many steps and jsons necessary.
It was my first one and it is not as perfect and enjoyable as i want it to be. But i am back at work and i hope my spare time for stonehearth grows again to take the next steps.
For all the modders out there:
Write campaigns it is a very nice goal for players and adds the oooh and aaah moments needed.


Names arent apearing properly?

for example Promote to Chabot_mod:Jobs.Leader.Leader_descript etc
The campaing aswell, cant understand a thing as its text is messed up

Is this just me or is anyone else having this issue?

I have the exact same problem! However for me its not just this mod, it’s Candledark aswell. :frowning:

ok i am on it pls if it is possible give me a screenshot, error message or similar

Screenshot comming up in 2 then :slight_smile:

as you can see all names have those descriptions, it’s rather painful as i dont know the effect or name of anything :confused:

broke my en.json in line 90 that means everything behind that is broken too, corrected the typo…testing…if that was ist i upload again in a minute

R14.01 HOT FIX

broken en.json is repaired sry for that
copied text parts into it and forgot to test again


Works perfectly now. thanks!

Bug report:
Missing text.

Missing image.

R 14.05 Beta

implemented leader perk icons


  • wrong text path for jeweler crafter menu
  • fixed wrong path from wait_better_times campaign encounter leading to missing town elder image

thanks for your input

  • When I try to put the King Bed on the ground, or, craft the War Map, error occurs.

  • More missing texts.

All 4 of them are missing texts.


Ok seems to be all of the new stuff, i bet its another typo in en.json…i will get to that later on first i have to eat.

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