I been looking for the goblins campaign for use as a reference to make a mod but i was not finding the files inside the stonehearth.smod file if someone could help me locate then i would be grateful
assuming you’ve unzipped the stonehearth.smod, they should be here,
thanks, i was looking in the wrong folder
Ok, now i figure what i want to do, but first i want to be able to create a new class for it. at the moment is a rip-off from the footman. The problem is, when i try to promote one hearthling to that class it stuck, they never go after the talisman and i really don’t know what is happening any more. I try to backtrack all the steps to create a class, but i failed
oh dear! i’ll page @Drotten for you. lets hope you can get it figured out.
First of all, a couple of questions:
- Does the talisman belong to you when it has spawned?
- Is there a parent job set in the talisman’s definition file?
If the answer to both are yes: could you perhaps pm the mod to me so I can take a look at it? It’s hard to say otherwise what’s wrong…
First thanks for the help
No, but the footman talisman too don’t belong to me but works normal after i loot then
yes, as it is right now a rip off from the footman i had this as was on him for tester purposes
I suspected as much. Could you PM your mod for me to take a look?
New Problem Guys (Yes another one)
What do i need to do to my campaign apear on the game master debug screen? i am thinking that maybe is a bug in my files, but i don’t think i can see what is preventing my campaign to load
Do you have a server_init.lua file in your mod folder and in the manifest? You’ll need one with a function to trigger the campaign on load.
Ok that i didin’t know, i will test that. What do i need to have on that file?
I don’t really know how to describe it well, and don’t have access to my lua ide atm… @Froggy might be able to help you out a bit more.
i will tey to make one atempt base on the candledark mod, but thanks for the help