Well, I don’t know if the hearthlings are smart enough to build it completely yet, but the instabuild method works now! Much thanks to Team Radiant for all their hard work to make it happen.
This is the building I have been attemping to build
When I confirm and attempt to build it, this error pops up :
develop-2876 (x64)
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:780: attempt to index local 'entry' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:780: in function '_add_dependency'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:1048: in function 'wire_dependency'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:1059: in function 'wire_dependency'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:1059: in function 'wire_dependency'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:1067: in function '_compute_spatial_dependencies'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:932: in function '_compute_dependencies'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:306: in function 'set_active'
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:95: in function 'set_active'
stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.lua:19: in function <stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.lua:18>
I have also been recieving these errors on load :
Error 1
develop-2876 (x64)
...ehearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.lua:23: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function 'assert'
...ehearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.lua:23: in function <...ehearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.lua:13>
Error 2
develop-2876 (x64)
...ices/client/renderer/construction_render_tracker.lua:20: attempt to index field '_bp' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
...ices/client/renderer/construction_render_tracker.lua:20: in function '__user_init'
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:270: in function '__init'
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:201: in function 'ConstructionRenderTracker'
...earth/renderers/scaffolding/scaffolding_renderer.lua:49: in function '__user_init'
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:270: in function '__init'
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:201: in function <radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:199>
Error 3
develop-2876 (x64)
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:313: attempt to index local 'entity' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
radiant/modules/common.lua:223: in function 'report_traceback'
radiant/modules/common.lua:234: in function <radiant/modules/common.lua:228>
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:313: in function '_trace_entity'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:123: in function '_restore_structure_traces'
...onehearth/components/building/building_component.lua:77: in function 'obj'
radiant/modules/events.lua:73: in function 'instance'
radiant/modules/events.lua:206: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:200>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
radiant/modules/common.lua:243: in function 'xpcall'
radiant/modules/events.lua:200: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:171>
Attached building template here. This bugged building.zip (29.6 KB)
Build 2876: This one almost gets built. The oriel starting on the second floor won’t get finished, though, due to slabs being attached in front of only the upper half of the wall. Result: Third floor gets completed before that part is done, leaving the Hearthlings unable to finish it.
Almostdone.zip (92.4 KB)
Other than that, the new build already feels heaps better than ever before, building wise. Keep up the great work.
Edit: And another one: wall2876.zip (46.2 KB)
Thanks for the template! This was the result of an awfully old bug whereby free-standing walls wouldn’t merge with adjacent structures (like the floor) correctly. Should be fixed for next build (but will require designing the structure again, sorry!)
Okay, Almostdone now builds (it was a structure dependency issue, so a nice and subtle bug that’s been waiting around for me to squash it.) Your “wall2876” is weird though, there seem to be two overlapping walls causing an issue. Any idea how you managed to lay down that structure?
Good to hear about Almostdone. About the wall: I was experimenting with auto raised walls as freestanding walls. As you can see, the foundation consists of two long separate ones instead of one big one. I drew a foundation of 121 tiles and used the normal walls tool rather than free standing walls in order to have a wall with arbitrary length withouth the for columns in between. Repeated it for the back part of the wall and each second story.
Guess 1x long foundations aren’t fit for normal walls.
Edit: On closer inspection, only the wall part with windows in it seems affected. I can’t recall building it in any other way. But maybe that’s already the sole cause.
Here’s a good one for ya, It’s a farmhouse with a windmill.
They build the mill roof first and wont build the roof on the main house. Guess it’s because of the scaffolding blocking the way.
So this one my hearthings did actually build, but they used a massive amount of wood an scaffolding to do it. crafting hall clay.zip (11.0 KB)
The main problem was the upper patio floor, I wanted a pattern so I used differnt materials to get the colors I wanted, and so the hearthlings build ladders up to each hole in the floor instead of just building it .
After they took everything down I ended up with like 230 pieces of wood.
Hey @not_owen_wilson,
I tried to build this again from scratch on A15 D2876, and the build stalls for me at the same spot it did before. Did those building fixes you mentioned before make it into 2876?
Also, my builders built themselves into corners they couldn’t escape a LOT during this build. Eventually someone came up after a full day or two and advanced the build to the point where the stuck builder could escape, but on larger builds that take a very long time, I believe we’ll start seeing builders start starving to death before being saved, unless this can be remedied. At one point here, I had 5 hearthlings all stuck in different places at the same time.
In any case, here’s the save game where the build stalled on D2876, in case it’s helpful.
@not_owen_wilson i try to build my temple in today patch, but still get stucked at some point
warehouse 66.zip (1.9 KB)
Latest develop 2876 & 2881
Build 2881:
I’m trying to build a house on a foundation of slabs in order to make it one voxel taller than the neighboring building. Since they’re not foundation blocks I can’t auto raise walls. Problem is that as soon as I switch to free standing walls the building menu changes to showing building costs. And clicking on the walls doesn’t show up the building menu. I’ve got to click into an unused part of the screen and continue this way. Bottom line: Unable to auto raise a roof. Being able to offset ground walls instead would be ace but using a foundation of slabs should be a viable method as well. ATM it’s rather wonky.
Another reason seems to be that the algorithm merging the new building with the first one. As you can see, no windows or doors are placed but the building cost shows them. I’ve been able to build houses wall to wall before, but it seems it doesn’t work with free standing walls. And slabs complicate things further.
one more for the thread, problems with multiple levels beeing build, also problems with remove building
save plus template treehouse.7z (5.2 MB)
@not_owen_wilson: Me again, back for a quick D2881 update on the ol’ stone watchtower template. Rebuilt it from scratch again using the new logic changes. It was fun to see them focus so intently on the spiral stairs for the first part of the build. Alas, once they got those done and started working on the outer shell walls, they quickly lost interest toward the end of the second floor and ignored the build from then on.
Screenshot of where it stalled:
this seems like the right place but apparently new users cant upload files yet. if I make a new post am I allowed to post a building that wont build? lol
For the time being, upload your file to dropbox, box, google drive (etc), and post the download URL to it instead. The mods can upgrade your access to upload directly, as well.
Utterly flummoxed. I totally broke some of the building dependency code with some other changes; stunned that this wasn’t vomitting runtime errors. Thanks for all your help! Should work in the next build (Though, as you may have noticed, herathlings just love getting temporarily trapped building this thing. That, and too much scaffolding! So much to do…)
Problem children templates are great little bug magnets! Imagine all the insane builds we’ll dream up once you run these to ground?
Amusingly, in D2881, I never had them get trapped at all. Maybe it’s because they focused on (and actually used to their advantage) the spiral stairs first? Dunno. Worst I saw was a few brief periods of idle worker syndrome during farming harvests, etc. I’m sure that now that you’ve readjusted the dependency code, they’ll probably go back to building themselves into wall gaps, but hey, progress!
Heres another that wont build
3 story clay dwelling.zip (4.8 KB)
So this one is a bit weird. When I first designed it, it would place, but not build. Now it wont even place correctly. Here is what it is supposed to look like
After trying to place it when I restarted my game, it would delete the middle section’s walls, floors and stairs.
Then it started giving me this error after I tried to place another almost identical building, that has some items from a mod.
develop-2881 (x64)
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:530: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘assert’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:530: in function ‘unpack_entity_table’
stonehearth/components/floor/floor_component.lua:104: in function ‘load_from_template’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:109: in function ‘load_structure_from_template’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:117: in function ‘load_all_structures_from_template’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:121: in function ‘load_all_structures_from_template’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.lua:415: in function ‘restore_template’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:1479: in function ‘build_template’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:1470: in function ‘cb’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:1445: in function ‘do_command’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:1469: in function <stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.lua:1467>
Hey All, have a building that won’t build. Spent a bunch of time trying to put it together. Nothing crazy complex, was just supposed to be a one story giant dining hall with a bunch of single and double person rooms on the back half.
First, I couldn’t make it just one story for some reason. It wouldn’t let me put a roof on it once I had finished the first floor. So I figured I’d just make it taller and maybe eventually use the upstairs as storage or something. I added a ‘floor’ all over the top to create a nice ceiling, then added some wood walls on top. The roof worked at that point, so I created a hole in the floor in case I ever wanted to ladder up to the second story, dropped a couple of wooden lamps in, and left the rest of the second floor alone.
Then I went back and furnished everything (which now I think may have been a bad idea). I then tried shrinking the roof (it was (8,-1) with a 2 overhang all around), saw that might be causing build issues. Then I saved the smaller version and tried building it in a giant open field, also to no avail. Also, now when I go to place the template down, the bottom walls are initially there, but then disappear.
Anyway, not sure what I’m allowed to upload, going to try for an image and the zip file and see what happens.
Hopefully I did something fairly simple and stupid and that’s why it broke. Any help or explanation would be great, thanks!
(And, it says news users can’t upload attachments. )
I’ll try to give you guys a couple steam image links and see if that works. The Stonehearth images should be public: