$650,000 Stretch Goal ideas

Giant snail pet :p?

Emblems/flags to put on poles & castle that is different for all and can b
E changed on the website (like skin for Minecraft)

Toilet streets, so people chuck shit out their windows and it all streams down the street (with option to turn off) lol, that would be funny.

Alternate planes are already a thing. What about causing a sinkhole under someones city from tunneling under it.

Also: earth wyrms bases scattered throughout random sections of the lower planes with new weps etc. Or just blocking players from getting to a certain plane until they have an upgrade/enough troops

The only major thing Iā€™d really like to see that they havenā€™t yet put specifically on the list is an extensive and detailed Underdark-like underground.

Iā€™d also like to be able to build things in trees.

@Hieronymous extensive underground ā€œcontentā€ is definitely already on the mapā€¦ its just a matter of whenā€¦ :slight_smile:

They will probably not put in more stretch goals because they will not have time to fulfill them to the release, and it is a really good call. I was starting to get a little worried with all there stretch goals but this shows that they have a nice sens of what they will have time to complete to the release dec 2014.

Here is my idea for the last stretch goal: Teachers!

The job of the teacher class would be to improve the skills of idle citizens (although at a much, much slower rate than actually doing their job).

However, instead of just being a standard class, it would be a meta class. Aka anyone can become a teacher. Why do it this way? Because the skills of the old class could change the abilities of the teacher.

In other words a normal teacher would give students skill increases at say 1/20th (shot in dark, random number) normal rate. Put in more obvious words, 20 hours of sitting in school with a teacher would grant the same skill points as one solid hour of being in the fields harvesting food.

However, if the teacher had been, say, a farmer before becoming a teacher it would still teach all other skills at 1/20 rate, but for future farming students it would grant a 1/10th rate for learning to harvest and grow plants. (Although for balance it would probably have to scale off the skill of the teacher aka 1/10 rate would only be if the teacher had maxed the farming before being promoted to teacher).

This way when our populace gets idle (say all the farmers who have nothing to do in the winter because their crops are hibernating) they can still be improving our kingdoms, instead of hanging in the bar just eating food.

650k stretch goal: They go on a nice vacation! $50k vacation! yay!


Just wanted to pitch in with an easier to implement and more realistic stretch goal by copying something i suggested in the comment section of the kickstarter page

"Judging by the pace it is going at, and adding in the paypal pledges, a 650k stretch goal should be reached by the end of tomorrow, if not already in 10-15 hours.

As for the stretch goal, I suggest support for Steam matchmaking to the multiplayer (as you want to be greenlit on steam) to make it easier for people like me who cannot do port forwarding due to policy restrictions to play the game with my friends.

Also, please allow us the ability to not rely on steam, for example by allowing anyone thatā€™s bought the game now through kickstarter, and post-launch on steam to download a drm-free client from your website by demonstrating that we own a licence."

Wanted to emphasize the last part as while many people would need proper matchmaking software, Steam in itself is a form of DRM, which would go against the promise to stay DRM free.

Please weigh in on my ideas.

I actually really like the idea of mounts, for both combat and non-combat use, for the 650k stretch goal. And Iā€™m not just saying that because I want a herd of war mammoths to trample my enemies. Donā€™t get me wrong, I DO want a herd of war mammoths to trample my enemies, but I see lots of other uses for mounts as well.


one simple word
Hats :stuck_out_tongue:
or a special hat that can be applied to your towns peaple

hmmā€¦ mounts? hats? ā€¦ oh the dilemma we find ourselves inā€¦

wait, itā€™s so simple! mounts wearing hats!!

bows deeply

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@SteveAdamo I wouldnā€™t dare assume that either Mounts or Ambient Weather would be easy to implement. I was simply pointing out that the devs could get either one working in a reasonable amount of time compared to building a completely different world underground. We want the next stretch goal to be both desirable and obtainable in a reasonable amount of time. :wink:

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They should add goggles.

Dwwaaaaaaarves. :smiley: Weather would be coolā€¦

how about your own personal hero or just character o-o nothing big just simple hero, like mage, archer, warrior. you could get items for that hero and if you have an ageing system were some people in your city dies of after a while, you could have a hero family line thingy, so losing that family means losing the hero :smiley: that would be awesome. that or the ability to summon a mini god/monster and send that monster on your enemies or friends :3

Sorry for the delayed responses, I just found Timber and Stone, which as some of you may know (Especially @SteveAdamo ) , Is extremely addictive.


it is indeedā€¦ and given Robertā€™s intention to make us fear the night once again, i anticipate it will become a lot more hectic as wellā€¦ :smiley: