How high will kickstarter go?

So let’s hear predictions on how much money we’ll raise! We’re currently around 530k at time of posting. My calculations at the beginning was 450-550k and I think we might surpass that today, but definitely tomorrow. kicktraq has 600k on the lower end of it’s projections, and it’s about 10k short of the actual count at time of posting (522k), and of course this does not include paypal.

I’m going to be safe and say between 600k and 700k, though if I were to pick and exact number I’d guess something just over 650k.

What do you all think?

For added discussion: what should that last stretch goal or two be? I would say adding another faction/playable race or something that would expand your settlers lives… I can’t think of much else.

$617, 895. If I win you have to name all of your settlements and settler’s after me. Deal.

I tend to guess conservatively, but we’re probably going to blow by my most optimistic estimate today or tomorrow. I think we’ll break 600K.


I hope over 600k, first of all 3 playable kingdoms are nice, but secondly I want too see more scretch goals lol.

And if I win you must erect a statue in my honor!

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The only thing I’ll be erecting is

It will go over 900… er 650K with the paypal donations. This kickstarter seems to appeal to a lot of people and that last day rush can be incredible… heck I’m seriously thinking of upgrading my pledge as well :wink:

I find Kicktraq to be quite an interesting tool. :smiley:

Ah. I remember the good old days when you guys were worried what would happen if we didn’t hit 400k. It seems like just yesterday… oh wait.

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lol IKR!
seems like yesterday we were excited for the mammoth pet

The kickstarter on it’s own will probably hit 650k. Include the Paypal donations and the fact that the PayPal donations will continue 2 weeks after the kickstarter ends I think the grand total will be over 700k.

As for the what the last few stretch goals should be. I think one should be mounts, such as the already shown wolf mount. I know they already said they are planning to add this to the game but they said it probably won’t be until post release and I think it would be something cool to have for release.

By the way over 77k has been raised in the past 48 hours at the time of me writing this. I believe raising 125k in 4 days is obtainable.

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Over 800K total. That my bet.

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A lot of donations (if not the majority) came in thanks to the pre-pre-alpha video the devs released to youtube reviewers… and it only had some extremely basic options. If the devs really want to make a killing and have a stable build, they should release it again now, with three days to go on kickstarter.

Maybe showing some of the pets and some mechanic that wasn’t in the first video.

It would help with the ending kickstarter rush a lot.

i wouldsay its safe to go with 600k at least. i expect a rush at the end as people will want to get their early copies of the game so maybe even 700k? one would hope :slight_smile:

I am keeping my enthusiasm in check by the possibility that this game could ended up like Star Command, but i hope the twin gods will keep their focus & deliver a game that is on par with the hype.

btw i am betting on $617,896, winner take all.

I will fight you, and you will lose.

I’m altering my bid to $617, 897

sounds realistic. i feel 700k is a good bet

700-750, I think. Possibly slightly more, depending on how many people are waiting until the last minute to back.

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675k - 725k… give or take… :wink:

At this point I’m not guessing any more. A lot of people seem to be very excited about Stoneheart and if the devs show some substantially improved game footage (over the pre-alpha version) today on twich, the total could easily go over any serious predicition and into ‘are you Fnig kidding me?!’ territory.

Heck, we might be looking at the next Minecraft. Only as a RTS. With voxely cute bunny rabbits.