[Youtube] Stonehearth with Hyperelf

Hello, everyone! I have just recently returned to playing Stonehearth a little over a month ago, and I am so addicted. I Kickstarted the project, and followed till about Alpha 10 where I decided to leave it be till the game was a bit more stable. Came back around the middle of Alpha 18, and wow! A lot has changed.

I run a small Youtube channel and Stonehearth has become my main game at the moment. I’m not the greatest creative builder/designer but I’ve been trying. Feel free to check out my videos, and leave any critiques or compliments. I’m very open to other peoples opinions, and enjoy listening to them. 90% of the time I really try to incorporate ideas people have commented on.

Enough rambling, I’ll be posting videos as they come out on this topic. And I’ll even include my templates and playlists below! :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHyperelf

Current Playlist - Craestar
Stonehearth FrostFeast

Adobe Apartment Hyperelf.zip (85.9 KB)
Small Farm House Hyperelf.zip (37.4 KB)
Two Story Adobe House Hyperelf.zip (36.1 KB)
Simple House 1 Hyperelf.zip (31.4 KB)
Blacksmith Hyperelf.zip (54.4 KB)
Stonemason Hyperelf.zip (32.4 KB)
Big Tavern Hyperelf.zip (53.9 KB)
Townsquare Fountain Hyperelf.zip (21.4 KB)
Simple house 2.zip (35.2 KB)
Restaurant Hyperelf.zip (15.8 KB)
Small Shrine Hyperelf.zip (30.8 KB)
Two story inn Hyperelf.zip (62.0 KB)
bad gazebo Hyperelf.zip (16.3 KB)
Potter Hyperelf.zip (42.6 KB)
Windmill Hyperelf.zip (61.3 KB)
Wall side w stairs Hyperelf.zip (15.4 KB)
Small herbalist.zip (44.1 KB)
Crafting Center Hyperelf.zip (135.5 KB)


Gave it a shot, and am enjoying the content thus far. Keep up the great stuff!

Edit: Oh, and subscribed :slight_smile:

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you surely arent a bad designer either :slight_smile:

Dont watch many youtubers really. But i like your style none the less.

So keep it up.


Thank you! I appreciate that! Definitely more on the way. :slight_smile:

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Been hard at work developing the town of Mountainshire, and still working on my building skills.


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Loving the series, and even going back through and watching all the Season 1 content while at work. Keep the great stuff coming!

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Thanks so much! The early Alpha stuff are definitely interesting, and buggy! But that’s expected. :slight_smile:

Still going strong. The town is definitely starting to look really nice!

I also decided to try and make a pretty big Tavern as a separate speed build.

I’ll make sure to add the templates in the first post.

I need to remind myself to update more. Mountainshire is looking more and more awesome as we go along.

I don’t think I’m going to give the template to the sleeping quarters. I got some strange bug when I tried building it. I don’t want anybody else to end up bugging their world with it.

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Finally got around to creating a nice restaurant dining area for the people of Mountainshire to eat at.

So what do you do when you get a bug in a world that leaves a small piece of ladder floating, and you have no way of removing it? You could sit there and be exasperated. OR you could turn it into a shrine for your villagers!

I was getting behind on beds for my villagers, so I went ahead and made this decent size inn! I think it turned out pretty good.

I thought the game was a bit too easy for awhile, till I saw this giant horde was coming at my town.

I also decided to get into some mods. :slight_smile:

So, out of curiousity, how would one go about recording Stonehearth if they wanted to make videos as well?

There are different applications you can use. OBS is a good free one, but I never could get it to work with Stonehearth. I think others have though so it may depend on settings or your computer. I recently got D3Dgear. Costs a little bit, but definitely seems a bit higher quality than anything I’ve used. And works with Stonehearth pretty well. There’s lots of recording applications out there to choose from. Just gotta look around. :slight_smile:

I hope that helped a little.

That helps a lot, actually! Now maybe I can actually convince myself to be brave and make some videos.

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Yeah, go for it! I had a similar problem. It took a lot for me to finally start making videos. :slight_smile:

Finally getting rid of the last of the loose items and getting fully organized.

Subscribed! Happy forum anniversary!

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Thank you so much! Can’t believe it’s been a year already. :smiley:

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