I went ahead and made a video about how Stonehearth is in Alpha so far. Here’s my introduction to Stonehearth! Enjoy!
excellent! i’ll give this a watch now!
i love all these videos folks are putting together…
Thanks! Hope you enjoy it. I am a bit random when I ramble haha.
@Maeka i was wondering why i haven’t seen you on the forums before. YOU’RE NEW @steve you slippin up ?
Anyways a warm welcome and a great video, Hope you enjoy the forums
Eh been following Stonehearth for a while but finally made an account on the forums. So yeah, new to the forums but not to Stonehearth. Thanks again!
yes i did that as well. Nonetheless welcome and hope there will be a Stonehearth lets play series or tips and tricks from you keep it up
Yeah as things get fixed I plan on streaming and making more videos. Can’t for when I can get past my people getting stuck and giving up on building things haha.
@Maeka use wall loops to create your own house of your own design but not too complicated
Thanks for the suggestion @Gridnick
@Maeka Love the video, you are very good at this! Everyone builds everything in the open. When I saw you building near walls and corners, I was like ‘Yes. Someone who understands me!’
Great work, keep at it!
Haha yeah I like building close to walls and stuff to shape my town. My fences would have gone around each building and go against the wall.
Nice job, Mae. Can’t wait to plaaaaay with you.