I finally spawned in a world I was happy with. Pink peaks, water, some abandoned ruins… with what looked like a perfect spot for a fire pit.
The hole is 3 by 3, the visible size of the fire pit. Unfortunately, as I learned when trying to place it, the fire pit has an actual boundary box of 5 by 5 for placing.
… it just doesn’t look as good to me with the old stone removed but I guess it’ll do.
I got the randomly generated name Elder Xarcasen after clicking a bunch, decided that was the name of the abandoned town, and decided to rename this one appropriately.
Then I did the thing I normally do where I roleplay as one of the characters to get a different perspective and enjoy my town more. Except it got a bit out of hand this time.
Feastmun, 5-6.
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So what happened to old Xarcasen, as it was apparently called? By the look of things, the well went dry, and the farms went to sand. But it’s near an oasis. They left entire bales of wheat behind, which have been preserved by the dry desert air. But the buildings have utterly collapsed. Maybe there was a bad sandstorm, or perhaps something more sinister was at play.
But we could do right by them, and found the thriving Xarcasen they never could, and fight whatever evil might come to take it. Perhaps the scholars back home would be interested in what we could dig up here, too - not much is known about the dark times.
So we stayed the night and set up camp.
With everything we’ve learned since the dark times, I should be able to get farms running here nicely.
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Whole lotta cowards that first night. Most muttering about whatever might’ve happened to Xarcasen, begging someone else to keep watch. Uliar Aibah volunteered, but I talked him out of keeping the job - he’s weaker than I am. Siyer Ummaya was the strongest of us, but he said some nonsense about cool hats and Leadership let him stay a trapper.
My sister became a potter. She used to be almost as good with a sword as I was, really. But she was always better at craftwork. Too smart for her own good, really. Well, now we’re here.
Camp was barely made by morning. And stonelings showed up. I held my own against them, though! Maybe it’s not so dangerous here after all.
Leadership mumbled something about nice sound effects but that they still wished the combat music wasn’t so repetitive. No clue what that means. I don’t listen to leadership much anyway.
But I was scratched. Uliar noticed and referred me to his sister, who just arrived.
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(especially after that last scrape in town…)
Pretty big bugs here. Trapping’s way better than anything back home. Maybe being banished wasn’t so bad.
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Everybody here’s been nice so far, far nicer than the guilds back home. I’m glad to be back crafting again. Though I do question why Leadership had us build clay brick tents. That sort of defeats the entire purpose of tents. But no one else has complained so far, so I guess I’ll keep that to myself.
Mooi and I wanted to avoid messing with the ruins until everything’s set up to rebuild, so we started a quarry in the hillside. Most of it’s hidden underground. I hope it’s not too cramped.
I’ll handle the digging myself when we’re searching the ruins for artifacts, though. I don’t trust half of this group with anything that fragile.
But so far, my sister and I have been happy here. We talked briefly in the morning before hostiles arrived.
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Of course I kept watch the first night. They hadn’t gotten a fifth tent up before nightfall!
I could have shared, I guess, but single beds and no floor space? No way! Besides, I couldn’t sleep anyway. No reason to let anybody else take my place, either. Like that Raina tried to.
She’s right that I’m no good with a sword, though. That hurts. But I’m a decent shot with a bow. I can’t believe we set out without one. And without nearly enough food! Prickly pears aren’t that filling. Mooi better get some crops going soon.
…Just got a craving for steak. Ha. If only cows could survive here…
Mooi claims one building was a bakery and the wheat’s still good for when she’s got it running again. But it’s been in the desert a while. I don’t want a sandwich. Ha.
I spent the day mining.
Oh, and my sister arrived in the morning. Nice to see her, but it’s yet another tent to build. And Makkah keeps complaining that the tents require cloth on the poles so she can’t finish them. Isn’t that the point? Weird group here, for sure.
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My brother has a habit of making trouble, so I decided I ought to tag along on his latest adventure for his own good. And any new town could always use a herbalist. My caravan was stuck in the desert for longer than expected, though, so I showed up later.
I haven’t seen him in ages. Maybe leaving the desert entirely after the latest mishap was too far, but I’m glad to be back. I will miss the rain, though.
They’ve almost finished setting up camp. Uliar keeps complaining to me about how long it’s taken.
I collected some of the native flowers and started making my workshop. In the big cities, you don’t have to gather your own plants anymore. I’m going to have to relearn a lot.