This is a large scale project, with many reworks and rewrites, and as such will probably take as much time to make (by myself) as it will for Radiant to move Stonehearth to a Beta build. I appreciate any input, suggestions, and doubts.
Currently working on crops. I feel it’s as good a start as any, as the models for the zombies themselves are already in-game, and need only be exported, rerigged, and animated. Things I cannot currently do. One thing at a time, yeah?
Sorry for the lack of any updates. With the holidays and work, and the rare occurrence of simultaneous days off with my girlfriend, it’s been a bit crazy.
Will post some updates tomorrow.
Farmable “crops” for undead. Phasing out any vegetables in favor of living(?) food. They are currently a liiiittle misaligned. Details, details.From left to right: Boneboo (name from Starbound), Eyebulbs, and meat (courtesy of Digimon World 1).
Aaaaand a camp standard.
EDIT: Alignment has been fixed (well, except for the boneboo, which INSISTS it needs to be a strong, independent osteocyte that don’t need NO marrow.).
Heyho the best is to use voxelshop. So you can Name the layer and also load an original File to Check the Position. If you need help load it up on github and send the link
I originally thought that I’d make the meat a five-stage, and the fifth would be rotten, and harvestable… and then thought about how zobies are always looking for LIVING things to eat. So, I decided against the rotten. However, the typical “rotten staged” foods (stage 12) may just be harvestable anyway, and have their own baskets. Since it’s not like its going to upset their stomachs. xD
i think the rotten thing is the correct way because the yearn only for living things because they walk ^^ they will eat all and in lots of zombiemovies you see that the love rotten food xD
I was going to suggest making it so the trapper’s knife is made from bone (as in its original description) and then I wondered how skeletons would feel about using bone stuff. That’s something you’ll have to sort out if you include them along with the zombies.
For the moment I’m focusing solely on zombies, but adding the skeletons shouldn’t be an issue. Just list them as separate bodies with matching heads.
A comment was made before about working on github, but I’m honestly not familiar with it’s workings, even if I’ve been signed up for over a year. xD As it stands, this project is expanding VERY quickly, and I may require help with even the simplest things because of the sheer size of the changes. Editing the original post to include planned features.