Why is this game so hard?

Why the hell is this game so GD hard ?! xD

I can’t expand fast enugh .

I got like 10-13 people in my town and the GD wolf pack attacked me … and killed 5 guys in like 5 seconds

Goblins arent problem when they spawn you just rush them and its done but wolves…ffs its like they just steamroled my whole town xD


Well, Stonehearth is for sure not finally balanced at this point of development. You can always go for the “Peaceful”-mode… or save :wink:.


I did chuckle when I read this. For every post that the game is too hard, there are many people concerned the game is too easy…

As VP has alluded, the game is yet to be balanced, and this is unlikely to happen until the game is feature complete.

I’d recommend peaceful mode in the mean time too


Peaceful is for WEAK ! xD

i know that is not balanced yet
but cmon 4-5 day after creating my town wolfs decided that tehy want to visit me…xD

The key to dispose of wolves is… um, SPOILER ALERT!!!

Don’t wait for them - go and find them first…

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I’ve been playing for 20 in-game days and I’ve yet to see the first goblin camp.


u sure u aren’t playing peaceful game ?

then you has then reached the networth of 3500 ^^

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If I was playing in peaceful (as I have in the past) there would be no undead (though there were in the past) or scattered goblin raids. The problem is that I’ve been doing more building than anything else, and even though my aqueduct looked awesome, it didn’t increase my net worth above 2.x K.


for what its worth, I have found that simple wooden fences, as opposed to impassable stone walls, have kept the wolves at bay… I have time to prepare a party and send them out to destroy any camps that pop up on the outskirts of my settlements… :+1:


Well my approach is this:

  1. Setup your base on a terrace.
  2. Create a ‘Goblin Fence’ at each end.
  3. Now you are nice and safe - consolidate (farm, crafters, mine and increase population).
  4. Expand up to the next terrace or expand the goblin fence out to get more resources.
  5. Once you have got mucho steel, kit out 3 or 4 hearthling dreadnaughts (Plate and Ironmace).
  6. Handle the issues ‘beyond the fence’ with flattening diplomacy.
  7. Always remember to close the ‘door’ in the fence.



Funny. I was able to get 2 soldiers with iron armor, steel shields, and steel short swords before the first goblin camp spawned. Then I whooped their goblin butts.


I’m honestly really impressed that you managed to get to wolves after just 4-5 days. How did you get your net worth that high? Pics of town?


What’s the net worth requirement for wolves? I tend to keep myself under 3k as long as possible so I can focus on other things before the goblins.

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You have to have 3,500 to attract the goblins, and then you have to kill the chief AND wait a day or two before the wolves will show.


Mmkay, I tend to stay peaceful with the goblins for a long while after they spawn either way so I can avoid the wolves for even longer :smiley:


I think the Game Master AI needs to pick up on when ppl are meta gaming the system eventually. Something simple like a 10 day check to see if the settlement value is mysteriously staying stagnant for many days. After every 10 days check the settlement value and increase the chance to spawn a event by 20% (starting a 0).

Maybe add another mode Peaceful/Casual/Normal eventually? (If you all have this planned already just ignore me :)).


Nuuuuu, I wanna keep my stuff for as long as possible, cause I know no matter how decked out I am I’d rather stay peaceful with the goblins. Tis just how I am.


You still could, all it would do is just spawn a event. Doesn’t need to be a forced war event :slight_smile: I think they want thing’s to have a multi- approach, were you can settle things with different avenues. For all I know it could be a plague event that effects your village and you need to find the cure.


for me the game is far to easy … but maybe that is due to me make lots of troops?