I can’t stay away of these threads…
And it is impossible to write in few words, sorry for that. It is ok to skip 
06:00. peep peep. I get up, prepare two sandwiches and leave house 06:30, usually the others are asleep.
07:30 I’m at work, during my one hour travel (bus+train+bus) I spend my time watching pre downloaded youtube content or read the morning news.
At work I enter my role as an electronics engineer. Previously I worked in a international company that you all know of, with some products that you may have seen, but recently myself and a lot of collegues were sold to a consultant company since all HW development was removed from the site. I still work for that big company though, but as a consultant… The days are filled with doing schematics, reading specifications, measuring and typical electronics work 
Between 16-17 I leave work and have the same hour to get home, and I spend the time in the same way as in the morning. When I get home there is dinner, playing with the kids, doing dishes and standard family stuff until we can put them to bed. Around 21:00 the “free time” begins, for most of the time this means “computer time”.
During weekends there is mostly family stuff, taking care of house, kids, swim school, you name it. I used to play football (not the American kind…) on free time, but I had to give that up, so I have basically no other “hobby” than computer related things nowdays.
Playing games is one thing, but I started to upload stuff to youtube early 2013… And a lot of gaming time had to be sacrificed for these activites. My channel has passed 1000 subscribers (this sentence was edited may 2014), and most people give such nice comments so I will continue with this (in Stonehearth as well). Even if it means that I “fall behind” in games due to all editing work I still feel it is worth it. Let’s face it, with the schedule I have I am behind before I even start 
So those are my two lifes, and if you read everything without falling asleep, gold star to you! 
edit: Actually three lives; work, family and gaming.