Who does what during the day? (Jobs and lifestyle in general)

my brother-in-law was one for a number of years… you guys have the most peculiar shifts… in fact, i developed an application for his employer to help manage all the various coverage requirements of the folks in his employ… crazy, crazy schedules… :smile:

welcome aboard @WildSlinkys! :smile:

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I used to be an ICT consultant in the Norwegian Air Force. But just recently started working for one of our banks instead. When I’m not fixing hardware, software or my cup of coffee, I play mindmelting games and get bossed around my apartment by my GF. I’m 20. So much for youth, huh.


I’m just a humble uni student studying games design and development (possibly adding a double major with software development, undecided atm). However as for what I do, it’s what I’ve been doing for years now. School/Uni, Read, and Code with a fair whack of playing games on top. That’s it really, not really any social stuff just a lot of reading and coding, also a surprisingly large amount of having arguments with people over reading choices mainly brought about because I’ll read just about anything that’s fiction which means that I find a lot more stuff that’s good than most. For example I liked Twilight, I mowed my way through the first 3 in a week (the 4th was a second week) and I couldn’t see what was so bad about it, seems mainly a lot of negative hype really although I have read fanfics that seem to use lists of taboos as checklists for inclusion rather than exclusion (it mixes it in with stuff that’s interesting like interplanar magic mechanics), no info though cause pg rating and stuff.

I also spend a lot of time amazed at how much I write on these forums and how quickly a little post can expand into a huge thing.

Names or details please, mindmelting games are my favourite. What’s this? It takes you days of planning just to beat one level in the puzzle game? Evidently you’ve found a real corker.

Not precise enough, I was a 17 year old male living in rural Australia quite recently but that would tell you absolutely nothing about what I did. It implies several things about stereotypes such as insane things that you foreigners (surprisingly consistent due to lack of land based neighbours) think like wrestling crocodiles, year long 40 degree heat, lots of desert, and fleeing from giant poisonous spiders /snakes /dingoes /scorpions /crabs /jellyfish /sharks /crocs /birds /etc. In actuality just about none of that was true, only a bit of the second and the fourth are.


Mindmelting as in actually mindmelting. Makes you so much of a zombie you wont have time for anything else. I have an embarassing history with excessive World of Warcraft gaming. I’ve played Tera, Rift, Warhammer Online, God Mode, Diablo 3, Overlord, Overlord 2, Dishonored, Saints Row, CoD, Legend of Grimrock, Age of Mythology, The Witcher, Chivalry, BioShock, EVE online, Minecraft, Aion, Battlefield, TF2, League of Legends, you name it. And I always get stuck with it for hours a day at a time. Currently I’m drooling like a little kid over Stonehearth (of course) and Star Citizen

I fear my gaming life isn’t going to take an end very soon. Stonehearth and Star Citizen looks fantastic.

PS: If you haven’t noticed already, I don’t stick to one genre. I’m like a unigamer.

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Will do! :salute:
By RPG they nearly invariably meant hack&slash or shmup for secondary part. Just saying is all, for example while I’ve never heard the term I think I’ll use it for myself. As an example of alternative genres for you to try:puzzle games, hidden object, TBS, microgame focused, text adventure, roguelikes, board games, higher dimensional meta-games, music based, and tower defense. I’ve tried them all and all are pretty good although there can be a lot of variance within genres. Pity you didn’t mean mindmelting difficulty though, particularly in puzzle games I like it.

PS: We need a salute smiley.

[quote=“Xavion, post:25, topic:3205”]
Pity you didn’t mean mindmelting difficulty though
[/quote] I did some Dark Souls prepare to die edition. Hard enough for me.

I’ve played some point and click adventures, text based, music based and TD games aswell. But I can’t remember every single game I’ve been through. I just listed the most recent ones. Anyway if you got a game you like with a multiplayer option I’d be happy to play with you sometime :grin:

Join the civ 5 game if you’ve got it, 3 people’s going to be a fairly boring game in comparison. As for the difficulty I mean like last couple of levels of spacechem or last half of kohctpyktop kind of hard. Late manufactoria or alchemical codex as well.

Let’s see, I’m currently a student at Oregon State, working through my Bac Core classes with the intent of changing my major to computer science. Most of my time is consumed by school, Army ROTC being the most interesting of my classes (I’m enlisted in the Nat Guard, but it doesn’t really count, as I haven’t gone to basic yet), and then at night my time is consumed by my computer and my girlfriend (no, they are not one in the same).


You mean, besides waiting tirelessly for @SteveAdamo to return my calls, texts, emails, IMs, letters, packages, and opening his door when I call round … ?

Well, I’m currently in my final year of being an undergraduate in the UK, studying Sociology and International Relations, trying to get going on a dissertation and either seem to be spending my time studying, or on here trying to keep you horrible lot in line!


@Geoffers747 Does that mean that you have tired of wielding the power of the admin console??

Maybe you should secede that authority to @Paranundrox since he has…ahem expressed an “interest” in having that power.

Although to be honest, I’m not sure that kind of power and authority would be a good thing, might just go to his head… he being a young whipper-snapper having just achieved the freedom of a drivers license after all!!! :smile:

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Relinquish? Power?

Are you mad?!

I should have you punished you know!


The mad king geoffers


I am 15 and in my last year of high school. This, and my passion for sports and inability to know when I’m doing too much mean I am constantly busy e.g. today I had an hour and a half of rugby training followed by an hour 5-a-side match. And I had to miss football training because it clashed with timings. I’m also trying to race through grades on piano and in theory, so spend a fair chunk of my week practising. And I try to socialise. I cram a lot in.


I can’t stay away of these threads… :blush: And it is impossible to write in few words, sorry for that. It is ok to skip :wink:

06:00. peep peep. I get up, prepare two sandwiches and leave house 06:30, usually the others are asleep.
07:30 I’m at work, during my one hour travel (bus+train+bus) I spend my time watching pre downloaded youtube content or read the morning news.

At work I enter my role as an electronics engineer. Previously I worked in a international company that you all know of, with some products that you may have seen, but recently myself and a lot of collegues were sold to a consultant company since all HW development was removed from the site. I still work for that big company though, but as a consultant… The days are filled with doing schematics, reading specifications, measuring and typical electronics work :wink:

Between 16-17 I leave work and have the same hour to get home, and I spend the time in the same way as in the morning. When I get home there is dinner, playing with the kids, doing dishes and standard family stuff until we can put them to bed. Around 21:00 the “free time” begins, for most of the time this means “computer time”.

During weekends there is mostly family stuff, taking care of house, kids, swim school, you name it. I used to play football (not the American kind…) on free time, but I had to give that up, so I have basically no other “hobby” than computer related things nowdays.

Playing games is one thing, but I started to upload stuff to youtube early 2013… And a lot of gaming time had to be sacrificed for these activites. My channel has passed 1000 subscribers (this sentence was edited may 2014), and most people give such nice comments so I will continue with this (in Stonehearth as well). Even if it means that I “fall behind” in games due to all editing work I still feel it is worth it. Let’s face it, with the schedule I have I am behind before I even start :wink:

So those are my two lifes, and if you read everything without falling asleep, gold star to you! :star:
edit: Actually three lives; work, family and gaming.


On the subjects of jobs and lifestyles, and being in a place with no job market, is it worth it to put oneself in crippling debt and go through college?

I guess it depends on what you study there. :slight_smile:


if college “teaches” you nothing else, it will provide you with a sense of accomplishment… regardless of the piece of paper you walk away with, you will know that you have the capability to accomplish tasks life sets before you…

to practice time management… to work on big concepts and ideas… to work in small focused groups… to become more self reliant…

all valuable life lessons, if nothing else… :wink:


I agree with both @sdee and @SteveAdamo on this. Avoid the crippling debt, by applying for as many scholarships/grants as you can qualify for, but make sure that you study what you want to (e.g. enjoy it while you are there), but also make sure that the degree you leave with is going to give you an opportunity to find a good job/career when you’re done.

In other words don’t go and get a degree in art history or philosophy or archaeology or something similar (where the job/career prospects are extremely limited), make sure you choose something that will give you options.

Also if you’re going to go and take on that debt, make sure you at least finish and get the degree. Starting and taking on the debt and then not finishing is just plain stupid!!!


One (relatively?) fun assignment I encountered in both in high school and college was to attempt to make a realistic post-graduation budget given a target degree and envisioned lifestyle. The assignment starts with something like this: WSJ.com and then you figure out your taxes and loans to get your average expected monthly net. Then you look around for your pretend-ideal apartment, figure out its monthly rent, and break out how much you want to spend for things like food, clothing, video games, and whatever else you can’t live without. It can be a really fun exercise (or a really depressing one!) but it offers up some good food for thought.

Also… motivation! Because even if you love your major, there’s always going to be days when you wish you didn’t have to… X (re-write that paper, wake up to go to class after a long night coding, etc). So any +2 circumstance bonus you can get is super helpful. :wink:

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in today’s market, most likely depressing, but point well made… :smile:

excellent advice… one of the first things i look for when training folks (gym)… they can have all the best intentions, but if they cant muster the motivation to get themselves to the gym, and commit to the routine… :no_good:

same concept applies here as well…

ok, that made my afternoon… thanks! :smile: