I was poking about the Dev site and was eyeballing the “Concepts and Screenshots” and at the bottom I see this guy:
Be still my heart, so in time we may be able to build mechanical systems!? how deep will this go? I imagine automating farms, mining maybe? simple or complex?
ok, I need to stop poking about, my brain is running off into imagination land, need to keep it grounded…
New Class - Engineer: Fiendishly complex traps. Steam pumps. Black powder. In his moments of genius, this Master Craftsman boosts your town’s productivity with miraculously advanced tools and weaponry. In his other moments…
“With steam, human ingenuity, and enough pipes, anything is possible!”
a “stretch goal” (in Kickstarter terminology at least) is a financial level the campaign hopes to reach… if that level is indeed reached, the “thing” at that level will be awarded… in this case, if the campaign hit the $360,000 funding mark, then Team Radiant would add the Engineer as a new class to the game (at some future date in the overall developement)…
I agree with Teziokz, Beast Master and whats more important, big animals, are things I am mostly excited about if it comes to class releases. I still dont feel really good about Geomancer and Engineer though. I just like more standard classes, guess I am a boring one I hope to fall in love with them when they are introduced into the game tho. Same goes with animals, Ive heard there wont be “typical” strategy game animals like cows or chickens, which saddens me a lot
Don’t quote me on this one but I think Radiant Team wants to use some similar animals, to keep originality while maintaining most of typical RTS features linked with animals. This is just my understanding, correct me if I am wrong anyone.
In the core game I’m pretty excited for all the stretch goal classes: Geomancer, Engineer, and Magma Smith
That said I’m very curious and probably more excited for the mod classes which people will come up with. My short list on that front would be things like: Variant Mercenaries, Some sort of enchanter, archaeologist, etc…
Whatever the first magical class they have planned. I want to see those mechanics in game, just because I feel those are the last big things that need to be implemented as far as combat and such goes.