When Nautili Fight Back (Aquatic Animals)

This is a fantasy world not the Real World! In our fantasy world, Water Bears could be MASSIVE creatures from the deepest depths of the Ocean

Stop. Stoppit. Stahp. Stahppit right now. No more nightmare fuel.

Im actually looking forward to seeing a Waterbear Titan thread with some models.

We’ve got the holy trinity of Stonehearth. The Wombat, the Moa, and the Waterbear.


The Waterbear is the coolest!

And they can go without food or water for more than 10 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.
But they’re only about .5 mm most of the time.

What are you guys thinking, how could I expand on this?

The only way to kill them is with sword? They are impervious to magic and such because you can’t freeze them, you can’t burn them etc.

But if you want to expand on Nautili fight back, How about a giant Kraken or maybe some sharks or whales

Or, worse yet, Carp. (Subtle-ish DF reference)

Carp, Please make carp

They’ll eat your dwarves whole!

Well for starters, am I the only one not thinking those waterbears are that scary? I mean, even giant ones seem like they’d be big, lumbering and wanting a hug or something :stuck_out_tongue: .

Actually, now that I think of it, most of the weird & wonderful underwater life looks colourful & just fascinating, rather than weird (okay, except angler fish. Let’s be honest, their own mothers couldn’t love them).

Still… we have spiders down there to start with. This Cracked.com article has a bunch of sea creatures too. Or this list25.com article.

So many happy possibilities :slight_smile: .

Probably not things I should read when I live right beside the ocean…Thanks for the nightmares @Teleros!

Some things in those lists should definitely be used as sea titans, such as the goblin shark.

Wimp :smiley: . I’ve logged quite a few hours of SCUBA diving & live within 15mins (and sight) of the sea, in spite of all this stuff ^^ .

Explain to me how a fire demon went scuba diving and why it lives beside the sea.


Honestly, they seem like furless panda bears.

Anyway, Back on topic! We need more scary aquatic creatures! STAT!

A super Evolved Nautili should have giant pincers, laser eyes, and can fly. That enough @Newf? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Pincers sound like a step in the right direction…How about the Nautili (The evolved ones) have crab legs instead of the weird ones they already have? I feel that it would make sense for the next evolution stage of Nautili was some sort of crab.

The legs were cute and all but the creature was not at all intimidating. In my mind the Nautili would just run around knocking into people and annoying them (Maybe humping their leg too). With pincers (And crab legs! If you are going to give it pincers it needs crab legs!) the Nautili would be pinching people and maybe take off a finger or a toe in the right situation! And due to the terrible medicine and doctors who don’t really know what they were doing, the wound would become infected and the worker would die, Decreasing morale, The Nautili would truly have their revenge!

If we’re having nautili in a mod, frankly I want to see a repeat of the attack outside the door of Moria in LotR. You know, picking up some people & eating them / dragging them into the sea / etc.

Or for added danger, have them dragged into the sea… only to return, subtly altered. “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu” and all that nonsense (seriously guys, none of us down here use unpronounceable languages or names like that. Kinda defeats the purpose, no?).

  1. Asbestos in SCUBA suit. Plus, you know, magic :stuck_out_tongue: .
  2. Sea of what exactly?
  3. Maybe I like the view. Aside from the sinking ships there’s always the possibility of a big oil spill*.

*Also, I’ve got a tech start-up working on turning oil spills into blazing conflagrations… to, ah, help clean up the spill. Honest. Just wait until next hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico…

Well, for both the leg and the wing design, it wasnt meant to be scary or intimidating, it was meant as a sorta “Okay what the hell” moment for players who tried to exploit the sea.

On top of that, it would be truly terrifying to see one leap up and bite down on a villagers head. just having the villager runaround shrieking, their face a mass of tentacles. shudders