I am not an expert but it looks like you ran out of memory. If you look at the log, it says near the end that you’ve only got 200 mb of memory left. I think that’s about the minimum your OS requires to run properly. Have you tried running the game without any other apps in the background?
no the 64 bit version still does not work like in last alpha i dont know why it’s not working but i lag alot more on 64 bit espcially those ridicoulus lag spikes are unhandable so i used 32 bit too fix a bit of the lag but seems that only calls for more problems it sucks that i cant play normally
my firewall is off i have no antivirus because it glitches out my system and there is no background programs except for the one the computer and steam needs
Shot in the dark here: can you take a screenshot (or two or three) of your task manager Processes tab when Stonehearth is running? We might be able to catch something there that is interferring.
There you go and a small side note i noticed another weird thing if i click ok when editing my settings it does nothing i can only click cancel is that normal?
I still suspect anti-malware or security software is interfering with the client-server communication. What is “Antimalware Service Executable” in the first screenshot?