Thank you for your apology, it is appreciated =]
And you are right, the current solution could have been found in my thread, if he had used the right search words. I suppose I was more defending myself as I didn’t have time to look into it more thoroughly before my thread was closed… I’d like to apologize for the confusion.
As for why I posted a new thread linking to two older ones, I did it for a couple reasons:
The first being that those threads (which were the first two I found which were on topic when I searched) are over two years old, which in internet terms is practically ancient xD, I wasn’t sure if anything newer had come about regarding slicing and building, also I didn’t want to be accused of necroposting. (Also, also, the main thread got super off-topic about 1/3 of the way through)
The second reason is that I wanted to know if there was something I, or perhaps we (the modding community), could do to fix it, and I wanted to get more information on that. I wanted to know if I could help, as I do have some SH modding experience. I wasn’t just saying “Hey devs, this needs fixed” I was trying to come off as more of “Hey, is there anything I can do to help with this?”
And, I guess a third reason would be that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”. If it hadn’t been talked about in two years (as my initial search showed) perhaps it was time to bring it up again? It’s a feature that I’d really really really like to see happen. So much so, that I’d be willing to donate some of my time and expertise to try and fix it =]
Oh yeah, I forgot about those days xD, it seems like forever ago to me. Stonehearth sure has come a long way hasn’t it? =]
Thank you for the link to that post, and for reminding me about the early days of SH, I got some good flashbacks from it ^^
Sorry I was a bit… defensive… It just seems that in the past couple years when I try get a chance to come back to the forums and I try to be helpful, I’ve been met with a bit hostility (or so it seems to me), something which I don’t remember being in this community at all years ago when I was last truly active. Please don’t take this personally, it’s not meant to be an attack on you =[ , just me reminiscing =/