Video Games That Have Disappointed You

I wouldn’t be that surprised, Nintendo while it may generally be the worst in terms of most things they measure it on it is by far the most safe. That is of course because unlike the other two it’s built off first party games, if shooters suddenly grow unpopular from a cultural shift or something the other two would be horribly scarred while Nintendo would be all “play pokemon” or “play animal crossing” or whatever.

Although Nintendo actually seemed to announce a multiplayer shooter at E3, it also both looked much more interesting than 99% of what exists already but also completely kid friendly. Who knew, when you actually try to make something new and pretty in the genre you succeed instead of coming out with what looks like CoD: 47.

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It felt to me that Nintendo seemed to pull the most tricks out of the bag this E3–there were a larger number of games I didn’t expect, complimented with those we already knew about, such as the new Smash Bros. and the Legend of Zelda titles. There’s definitely a large degree of hype present, so we’ll have to see what happens in the next several months.

Most of these games, it seems like there will be some draw for people, even if the content might end up somewhat mediocre–a number of people didn’t seem too excited about the premise of Hyrule Warriors, but the fact that you’ll be able to play as numerous characters from the franchise and play a co-op mode is a huge attraction for many others. The amount of multiplayer games alone will be a great advantage to the Wii U now, as there was a much smaller library of these games before E3 and less chance to enjoy games with your friends and family.

I also backed this project and I spent around 50 hours of play on it. Now and then I still play it so I can’t say it was disappointing. I actually have more time play in CS that I have in stonehearth :stuck_out_tongue:

A disappointing game for me was heartstone. There was a huge hype around it. When I tried it, it was just another card game. The mechanics are ok but as a game it lacked something to grab me

I was disappointed with D3 not because I thought it was bad but because I thought it was just a D2 expansion. I expected something more from it, specially when considering the time it took to make. The skill tree wasn’t much of a tree and most of the skills I just ignored. The fun of D2 was experimentation and that didn’t happen with D3. After getting to Act 2 I just stop playing

wow, couldn’t disagree more there… I’ve spent far too much time duking it out in this one … perhaps it’s because it’s my first TCG, but I’ve been having an absolute blast with it…

come on Naraxxus!! :smile:


Speaking of bad games with hype, Payday 2. The first one was quite good, the pre-release demo seemed pretty solid too.

Little did I know that the demo was the full game already. There haven’t been any updates concerning the real issues of the game, such as the connection problems or the obvious game mechanic flaws. Instead, they throw paid, game-changing DLC at you while making the content for non-DLC users more difficult up to impossible.

Overkill is one of those companies that I’ll make sure people don’t waste their money on. It’s not worth it.


Link: the faces of evil (Man, im dating myself arent I?) this was a legend of zelda game for Philips CD-I console waaaaaay back when final fantasy V was a newish game, it was the cutting edge game for a cutting edge new console, only for it to have one of the most god. awful. storylines. in. Legend. of. Zelda. History. and they made sequels T.T

Have to agree with D3, seriously what ‘creative’ lead decides that playing the same content through 3 times with different trash mobs is 'content". I really wanted to be in the room with that descision:

“so they will play the same content 3 times”
No they will be playing differnt content, we are changing the health bars and adding in some harder trash mobs*”
“But everything else will be the same*”
Not everything else, we will make them farm the same levels at the same diffulcty so they can get new items to redo the same levels with even bigger health bars on the mobs
“So they will play the same content more then 3 times”
Yep and the best part is we can say 30 hours when really its the same 10 hours with differnt numbers
“So we get to claim 3x the game time with little addition effort from us…DO IT!!!”

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Eh. For me, the graphics and mechanics were fine, but you can’t really advance unless you do some microtransactions. Which I hate.

I have yet to buy anything (with real money), and have advanced pretty far… plus, in the arena, it’s a level playing field…


For me it’s probably Dawn of War 2. Me and my friend played DoW all the time and was very excited, then saw some gameplay, I was so sad… They destroy the gameplay and that pretty killed the game for me.

I saw some Gameplay of this.

And it seems, I guess, OK. But I’d still rather play GTA5,

Yeah definitely dragon age 2 that was the hms suckbucket, think the biggest EVER letdown in terms of any hype for a game has to be halflife 3 I mean really where is it!!! My friend once lost his cat whilst camling, it showed up at his house after 3years and were still waiting for halflife 3 or even episode 3… but my world would be happy if I could turn those cloud shadows off in sh :slight_smile:

Well, Trump might question you on that, based on his “Free to Play” YouTube series of Hearthstone, where he goes up to legend rank with various classes (mage first, now about done with shaman I think) without paying a dime.


I literally made an account just to say this.
Aliens:Colonial Marines.
That is all.


well, welcome aboard! glad you got that off your chest… :smile:

So, um, I guess that means that this means that this Account is now inactive, right?

Not so much inactive as would rather keep my mouth shut and let everyone have the suspicion i’m an idiot, than open my mouth and confirm it.


words to live by. :smile:

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Just want to throw it out there that some (and this applies for the internetz in general, though with some evidence in this thread) seem to hype up a game for themselves, and then ruin a game for themselves and occasionally go so far as to dislike and actively attempt to make companies dislike a game simply due to it not living up to the standards they’d set it. In which case, the first thing to do is take a big step back before making any judgement on it, especially if you’re going to be proactive:

  1. Is it really that bad of a game? What specifically is it that you’re not liking? (and noting that an enormous majority of let downs mentioned are sequels) what specifically have they changed that means it’s “Just not the same as the first one”? If you actually think about it, from a gameplay mechanic is it not actually better? Are you letting nostalgia get to you?

  2. If, from a gameplay perspective (which is really where you should be looking, as it is where they will have tried to improve) you can think of why it is genuinely worse, can you see where they were coming from? Were they actually being lazy and cutting corners, or did they just try to do something and didn’t pull it off?

  3. Is it the company’s fault? Many have subdivisions, franchises (such as EA, Nintendo) and are you being fair lumping the whole company together based on one bad game? Yes they share an overarching marketing division, but have they truly been such horrendous money-grabbing fiends that you are going to actively dissuade people from buying from them?

I mean, I’m not saying you can’t have this opinion, not at all, but I feel so many are far too quick to rush to the gun and end up being really quite unfair. There’s a social tendency to hate big companies which is just plain unjust. Personally, I don’t remember ever being disappointed by a game, but I guess I’m quite lucky. I certainly haven’t ever considered it the game’s fault I didn’t enjoy it.

And I would just like to briefly mention one of my pet peeves: people’s loathing for paid DLC, which seems to have cropped up a fair bit in this thread and constantly on the internetz. I just don’t get the hate. The teams that release these are typically pretty large, so they can’t just rely on the income of the main game to be enough to provide for them, charging a little more for content you were never originally entitled to seems kinda fair enough to me. And if you did want the content in the original game at release, what do you want them to do? Delay? So they have to spend more on the team and get complaints about a later release?

And I mean it’s especially bizarre the difference in complaints. Yes SimCity has paid DLC, but have you never bought Civ V or EUIV? BNW is £20, and it doesn’t include the game required to actually run it! I mean, I don’t actually mind, as stated in my previous paragraph, but it does seem so unfair to hoist the complaints at people like EA for paid DLC and then nothing to Paradox or Firaxis.

p.s. I couldn’t even play Sim City due to my computer but people definitely give it an enormous amount more stick than it deserves

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