Unofficial Model- and Template-Files for Qubicle

I guess my word choice was inadequate, and your decription is far more accurate :smile:

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I found this a bit funny :smile:
Really nice work though, doing those things that is already made :wink:

I just kind of feel rude using models but giving nothing back (I hadnā€™t before today even given @Froggy the recognition he requested if people were to use his models) so I want to help :two_men_holding_hands:

Besides, I donā€™t want to race because obviously youā€™d all stand no chance :trophy: :wink:

Considering I just finished the Undead Screenshot Models? Yeah Iā€™m so boned :wink:

I dont see anyone started on farming so I will give it a shot.

Anyone has the default global light settings of Qubicle?
Settings -> global lightā€¦
light vector x,y and z. And RBG colors of ambient and diffuse
I messed with them last time and dont know how to get defaults backā€¦ :disappointed:

default settings qubicle:
global light:
light vector X = 1.00
light vector Y = 0.60
light vector Z = 1.00
Ambient = #808080
Diffuse = #808080

thank you :blush: :blush:

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Let the wars begin!

I won farming war :smile:
And grain is a pain!

farming 2.qmo(239.2 KB)


Holy smokes, I had to open that in Qubicle to see that it was actually yours, thatā€™s identical!

Just a quick tip. Optimize the matrix when you are putting it up for download, it makes it easier to cut up for animation, as well as lowers file size

It has some differences. Can you find them all? :eyes:

The individual wheatā€™s in a different place andā€¦errmā€¦

And the hoe look to be placed differently :smile:

@Smokestacks The wheat is correct :smile:

@neobonde I would not count that myself, it is pretty much in the same place, it is just a different angle. :blush: there are 2 more differences tho.

Welcom @Miturion in our small circle and thanks for this piece of work! I hope you are fine with adding the file in the overview.

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welcome indeedā€¦ nice work @Miturion! :+1:

Here are my Necromancer models.

Necromancer Blue.qmo(18.6 KB)

Necromancer Red.qmo(17.7 KB)


@Pandemic ā€¦ thanks and added.