I was actually thinking of that as well, but figured since cats weren’t in yet and it had to work with existing tech, I didn’t suggest it yet. But it could indeed just be decoration in the meantime, I suppose
And other wooden toys, yes, I like this idea as well.
Not for now but in the near future merchant stands that could decorate town squares the adding of ink would be interesting to make weird or cool designs
I would also like to see a comfy chair +comfort/shelter
A communal/larger table. Everyone knows enjoying a meal with friends is +satisfying
A trappers hide. You place the tower and it forms a trapper zone around it! This will fix the trapper micro element of the game. The trapper can stock it with food making the trips back to town a thing of the past!
Wooden fences drawn like walls, rather than placed like objects. Which might require additional carpenter modeling…
Decorative Shield Plaques with crafter icons on them to designate building allocations.
Hunting trophies
Apiary - Everything tastes better with honey! Not to mention that legendary Honey-turnip wine will be a hoot at parties!
A bunkbed! Sharing is caring when real estate is at a premium!
Trapper micro? Unless I’m misunderstanding, wasn’t that removed with this new release/version of the trapper, anyway? But it sounds like you’re talking about the trips back and forth to town. That could work, I suppose, but they still need to bring back their catchings, right? Although I suppose it could be like the crafters’ stockpiles in that the trapper brings it to their tower, and workers come pick it up from there. Although if it’s far away, that just would mean multiple guys are making long trips, and while it would save time for the trapper, it would cost a lot of time for other citizens. Well. Lots to consider, there, I suppose.
I would like your post, but I’ve reached my daily limit, apparently, and have to wait eight hours!
I thinking more about the drawing of the trapper zones. I find zone drawing to be… unnecessary. I would like to be able to plonk one of these down and not have to worry about it - personal preference of course.
With the food aspect, I mean for the trapper to eat, and carry one food with him to the hide. This means he will be able to stay out for a day without having to come back for food. There is no worker involvement intended. Trapper functions as normal
Oh! I see. Yes, I would be inclined to agree (although I wouldn’t call that micro so much). In that sense, I like the idea of using such a tower for this.
Right, that’s something like what I thought you meant. My point was that if the trapper would indeed still return their own trappings the way they do now, they would still have to go back to town anyway (and they’re not normally away that long, anyway, the way it is now), so that they could just eat then. Of course, there’s no guarantee that they would; they could instead decide that they’re hungry right when they made the whole trip and were about to check their traps or survey the trapping grounds. In that sense, it would be a good idea to have some food storage allowed in the tower like you suggested.
As you noted, I’m assuming the weaver can handle the leatherworking stuff. If not… sure, that throws a spanner in the works - for now.
Depends - having played plenty of WoW, I can attest to how both can work well (ie, burst vs consistent DPS). Regardless, my thinking is that the crossbow is the slow, armour-piercing (ie bursty) option, whereas the longbow is the faster-firing, more consistent option.
I did think of that, but figured that it might be a bit too much micromanagement that way. Aside from someone rushing in mid-combat to reset it, it’s just fiddly, especially if you’ve a lot of them. I suppose a “maintain traps zone” could be used though. The idea though is that you can make a simple passive defence early on in the game, which works best in quantity rather than quality - the cool traps come later, when you’ve a mechanic of some description to do them properly.
Good idea . As for goblin stupidity… eh, given how they can get killed when playing burglar, them running away makes sense. The reason I’m unsure about them running away from scarecrows is if someone just slaps a wall of the things down - no more goblin threat .
Thanks . I’d prefer a proper, customisable version (ie, one you can build like any regular building), but that’s a more complex task, and would take a lot longer to set up etc - as with the traps, this is meant to be something you can throw up quickly in the early game, before you replace it with real defences.
For example? I mean, I went with a simple flat bonus on the basis that it’s, well, simple, but if you have any better ideas I think we’ll be all ears .
Yeah, looks like a lot of rope’s involved. Still, could use just a flat piece of thick wood too, /shrug.
My problem with the weaver is that most of his recipes are expensive, at least in terms of time, which is why I’d rather keep it as a quick & easy carpenter recipe.
Yeah, it’s a case of finding a balance. The way I figure it, the trapper’s knapsack probably comes complete with food, sleeping bag, flint and tinder, and sundry survival tools - but how realistic do we want the recipe (OMG no straw in the mean bed recipe!)…?
As for sleeping bags etc… yeah I’ve cheerfully stolen borrowed various ideas from this thread to try and make as comprehensive a list (for the current state of the game) as possible.
Because I was typing quickly and made a mistake . Floor decorations like that should be, at best*, a fraction of a block high.
*You don’t want them to make a doorway too low to get through etc, so for things like carpets especially I’d make them replace the wood texture and have zero height.
For books… not sure the carpenter is the best person for that… personally I’d have them added in later, when there’s a profession better suited to them, although I agree that they’d be great to include. Again, I’m also trying not to demand (too) much in the way of new code/tech… although now that I think of it, the rope ladder probably counts as “new code” .
Also, rocking chairs would be fun. Would need porch doodads / building options though .
What else… I didn’t go with any toy / game ideas, because last I heard, the settlers in Stonehearth wouldn’t be having children, but instead relying on caravans for population growth. Which is a shame really, but if nothing else then I think children will have to wait for new tech first:
-Marriage / creating families (cutesy voxels + casual sex/pregnancies… doesn’t really seem to mesh well ).
-Property ownership (so the parents live together, and they live with their parents).
-Lots of new AI to handle their behaviour & the behaviour of others towards them.
If/when children appear though… yeah, we’ll need toys. Lots and lots of toys.
I guess if you start both bow types as loaded, you can indeed get a slight bonus at the start in that you do more damage with your first shot. However, after that, the longbow would be preferable given just the stats you mentioned originally. Considerations of armor-piercing and the like could differentiate them further, though.
Well, I didn’t mean for it to be micromanagementy… the trapper could just do that automatically, using their own AI, even without setting a zone for that.
Well, unless they become more militaristic later on, perhaps, and come in larger groups. And perhaps it’s not so bad if the goblin threat is easy to deal with until that point, as they’re rather early-game enemies (at least in small numbers).
Well, you know, something where the line of sight is calculated for each unit based on inherent characteristics (strength of eye sight of the species, idiosyncratic differences maybe), aids (glasses, binoculars), (lack of) obstruction (this could come into play in particular and naturally when they’re up higher, like in a watchtower), weather conditions, etc. I hadn’t really thought it through, but something along those lines, perhaps.
But indeed, a flat bonus would be simpler, at least to start with.
You’re right. I kind of started doubting it more and more as I was describing it further. What with the paper, the leather, and the writing down of the contents, it doesn’t seem like the carpenter would be involved much at all.
It might be able to use the ladder code fairly well and require only a new model. And a different climbing animation, most likely, but for now it could just be a walking animation same as with the wooden ladders.
I remember this as well, and I too thought it was a shame. But it’s understandable, at least until much later in development (maybe? One can hope. Otherwise there’s always modders). Perhaps we can otherwise have young-at-heart adults who still like toys.
One thing that could greatly differentiate crossbows from bows… is the ability to use a buckler/shield with the crossbow and shoot it one handed. (Possibly two handed with a small buckler)
FruitPress: decorative for now, but could eventually make juice from berries FermentBarrel: currently also decorative, but makes your juice have buffs, with undesirable and unpredictable results if taken too often Copycart: a more resonable way to cart stone around
anyone else seeing where im heading with this?
Hats: decorations, but future mechanics may allow the peons to trade hats for ones they may want FurRug: again, decorative, but getting a certain amount of skins from the trapper can make this craftable
I would personally enjoy seeing some wooden tool racks form the carpenter. Perhaps they could have a practical use and give him a bonus if placed near the workshop. Additionally, some variety of gate that could be placed on walls would be nice and make keeping the goblins out a little easier.
Also, in regards to the weaver, maybe something to do with animal pelts? Fur coats could be used to show status or increase happiness.
Alright… I admit I was tired (I didn’t have my can of caffeine) and not thinking straight. Still, imagine the stone as wood and then it kinda works… but you’ll end up with broken saw.
Well, some crossbowmen did use shields, but it was more like the kind you hide behind whilst reloading with both hands, or the kind you have you minion hold for you, again whilst you reload with both hands.
Video games aside, cranking a winch for a crossbow is not something you do with just one hand.
Indeed not. I guess they could implement a situation where the crossbowman takes a shield off their back and plants in the ground, thus becoming immobile and shooting from behind it…