Two-week feedback request: Post your item ideas here!


-Meat Rack
Gives Meat that extra flavor (Bonus stats if meat has been hanging on rack for a certain amount of time)

-Goblin Trap
A crude wooden trap that causes 1/4 of a heart worth of damage and makes them stop for a shot period of time


-Parasol Umbrella
+10 to shelter, look good with a table

-Knitted wall mount
Looks like a painting, but on further examination, it seems to be made of wool


Weaver (Maybe Trapper?)

Hunting Trophies: Goblin Heads, Rabbit skins/furs etc.

Aww :frowning:

Well, I guess so.

I love it. Brilliant. Couldnā€™t be better. Amazing.


I want to have a big long hall where my chieftain can sit, canā€™t do that without trophies of his conquests can he?


Probably Definitely going to be repeating a few things here, but anywayā€¦

Carpenter Gear
-Wooden Buckler: Needs to be back in game, picked up using the auto-equip-gear-upgrade logic. Bonus: 20% chance to block X damage from each attack. Ideally should reduce goblin attack damage by 50% when blocking.
-Wooden Tower Shield: Requires cured leather. Upgrade shield for the soldier class. Bonus: 33% chance to block 2X damage from each attack. Ideally should reduce goblin attack by 100%.
-Shortbow: Requires thread. Used to create the archer class.
-Simple Quiver: An archer with a quiver reloads 20% faster.
-Crossbow: Requires thread. Upgrade bow for the archer class. Bonuses: 2x damage, 2x range, 0.5x reload speed. Total is +50% DPS buff, double range. Choose this OR longbow. Could require iron to make (to delay its use)?
-Longbow: Requires thread. Upgrade bow for the archer class. Bonuses: 2x range, 1.5x reload speed, 1x damage. Total is +50% DPS buff, double range. Choose this OR crossbow. Could require iron to make (to delay its use)?

Carpenter Objects
-Simple Trap: Requires thread. Hostiles that step on this take damage. Automatically resets upon use, but has a short internal cooldown of say 2-4 seconds (if only to prevent the same mob running over it once and triggering it a dozen times).
-Wooden Cage Trap: Requires thread. Hostiles that step on this get trapped and unable to move or attack.
-Picnic Bench: A long table with a bench on either side ( Can seat 4-6 settlers for eating (usual seated-food bonus).
-Picnic Umbrella: Requires cloth. Space for 2 settlers to sit under and eat. Provides usual seated food bonus, plus additional happiness.
-Scarecrow: Requires some wood. Causes crops within X range to grow 5-10% faster (scares seed-eating birds away). Maybe also scares away non-combative goblin thieves?
-Hand Plough: Used to (very) slowly improve the soil on a farm. A worker or farmer will push it along the furrows, improving all the soil on either side slowly. Takes at least a full day of solid ploughing to improve soil this way (better ploughs will be available later in the game to speed this up).
-Irrigation Pipe: As seen on the livestream weeks (months?) ago.
-Water Tank: Collects rainwater, fuels irrigation pipes. Takes up 5x5 terrain voxels, and is 7x high. Perhaps build it with scaffolding, like regular structures?
-Sturdy Door: Like a regular door, but goblins canā€™t enter. Can be attacked / bashed down?
-Double Bed: Double-size comfy bed for 1 settler. Grants +50% comfy bed bonus (such decadence!).
-Sturdy Trellis: Crops attached to these grow 5-10% faster.
-Stakes: Fence posts, but spikey. Requires new fence post placement stuff to be implemented (see @sdeeā€™s comment elsewhere).
-Simple Watchtower Kit: Requires rope ladder (see below), much wood, canvas (see below). 5x5x8 floor plan. Flimsy structure with a box at the top ( Archers love being up here, just like footmen love patrolling stockpiles. Rope ladder used to enter/exit and prevent goblins doing the same. However, the tower can be attacked & destroyed, causing fall damage for those inside. Units inside get +100% to line of sight.
-Saloon Doors: Small, flaps a bit after being used.
-Double Doors: Like regular doors, just two in a big frame.
-Comfy Chair: Requires cloth, makes food seem even tastier.
-Training Dummy: Soldiers like to attack this to improve their combat ability (
-Archery Dummy: Archers like to shoot this to improve their combat ability (

Carpenter Decorations
These could also be used as storage, but would be very inefficient if so.
-Bedside Table: 1x1x1 cupboard.
-Chest of Drawers: 2x1x1 floor plan.
-Tall Cupboard: Simple cupboard, 1x1x3.
-Cabinet: 2x1 floor plan, 3x tall. Bottom is 2x cupboards, middle and top are a pair of big fancy cupboard doors (
-Wooden Trellis: Must be placed against a wall. Flowers that grow on/in front of it grow up the whole plant support (
-Lamppost: Just a tall light source. 1x1x5 floor plan?
-Hanging Basket: Requires flowers. Attached to the side of buildings. Plants die off in autumn/winter, but return in spring/summer.
-Flower Box: 2x1x1 floor plan. As Hanging Basket, but placed on the ground.
-Hanging Flower Box: 2x1x1 floor plan. As Hanging Basket, but must be placed just under a window frame.
-Armchair: Requires cloth. Settlers love to sit in them when idle. Not used for eating. Great for smoke-filled back room plots too (
-Sofa: Requires cloth. 2-3 settlers can sit on these when idle. Not used for eating. Doubles as a comfy bed for 1 settler in a pinch (

Carpenter Storage
-Small Chest: 1x1x1 floor plan. Stores up to 8 identical objects inside.
-Large Chest: 2x1x1 floor plan. Stores up to 2 different objects in it, and you can have 8 of each object.
-Barrel: Stores up to 32 identical objects in it. Takes up 2x2 terrain voxels. Can be set up in stockpiles.
-Shelving: Stores up to 4 different objects in it, and you can have 4 of each object. Takes up 2x1 terrain voxels, and is 2x tall. Note it is as efficient (in objects-per-terrain-voxel terms) as a barrel. Cannot be set up in stockpiles.
-High Shelving: Stores up to 8 different objects in it, and you can have 4 of each object. Takes up 2x1 terrain voxels, and is 4x tall. Comes complete with wheeled ladder to access the top shelves (

Weaver Gear
-Carpenterā€™s Smock: Keeps you clean, and has pockets for your tools too! Carpenter works X% faster.
-Trapperā€™s Knapsack: Requires 2x different food items, and much cloth. Trapper can eat & sleep in the wilderness as if in a comfy bed and eating on a chair.
-Farmerā€™s Overalls: Tough-wearing for working in the fields all day. Farmer works X% faster.
-Padded Helmet: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Leather Armour: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Leather Helmet: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Sturdy Net: Requires canvas. Not sure whoā€™ll use this, but the intent is that you throw it on hostiles, reducing their movement & attack speed. Maybe settlers called out to defend the camp?
-Sleeping Bag: Settlers who carry this suffer no penalty for not sleeping in a bed. Cannot be used by Trappers (see above)?
-No weaver upgrade, on the basis that he should require another crafting profession (ideally blacksmith, for needles) to upgrade him.

Weaver Objects
-Cured Leather: Used to make leather clothing & armour.
-Rope: Used to make Rope Ladders.
-Canvas: Tougher (and rougher) than regular cloth. Used to make Sacks & Backpacks (and in the future, sails for ships).
-Rope Ladder: When placed at the edge of a cliff, it creates a ladder down to the bottom. Maximum length = 10 terrain voxels.
-Cloth Bedding: When made, a worker automatically takes it and applies it to a straw bed, converting it into a comfy bed.

Weaver Decoration
-Fur Rug: 2x2x2 floor plan. Looks cosy.
-Cloth Rug: 2x2x2 floor plan. Fancy pattern.
-Carpeting: Upgrade for floors in a house, covers the wood with cloth. Various patterns & colours available.

Weaver Storage
-Backpack: Units with a backpack can pick up two items at once, but only suffer the movement penalty of one of the items.
-Sack: A cloth barrel. Identical functionality, but made of canvas by the weaver.


love thisā€¦ very simple (as a decoration) and can have added benefits as well (as you suggested)

i considered this (along with some other simple tools), but wasnt sure of the ā€œcomplexityā€ involved in making it something other than a decoration piece (new animations, logic, etc.)ā€¦


Wow, @Teleros! Thatā€™s quite a number of ideas you got there! Still going through these, but here are some thoughts already.

Well, thereā€™s no tanner in (yet?), of course, so I donā€™t know if that could be made already. But perhaps until that time, it could just use regular hides or something, or even only wood for now. (EDIT: I see you suggested the weaver would cure leather, but it seems to me like that would be slightly outside a weaverā€™s typical role. However, it could work as another way to get it in for the time beingā€”or permanently, if the tanner is not planned.)

I like your ideas for longbows versus crossbows, but I think it might be cool if they are slightly more different still. As far as I can tell from a quick look online, the crossbow tends to get larger range, so perhaps that can be a bit longer, perhaps at a cost of even more reload speed (relatively speaking) so that total dps is a bit higher for a longbow. Otherwise, you get the same effect, only longbows shoot faster than crossbows, which probably would make them always preferable because itā€™s generally better to do a constant source of low damage so that you donā€™t overkill them by as much and you probably end up killing them slightly quicker.

Well, should it do that? I think it would be more realistic and probably more interesting if the trapper was required to reset it. (Perhaps to make it more useful, then, it could do slightly more damage or something.) Of course, you can get an intricate mechanism to automate it, but that makes it sound slightly less simple. I know, such considerations arenā€™t always necessary for a game. Still, as I said, I like the idea of the trapper resetting traps. And it would make for a nice improvement for later in the game when you start to make the automated variety.

Like @SteveAdamo, I also really like this idea. However, if it is to scare away non-combative goblin thieves, they should probably also be scared away by actual citizens walking around the to-be-stolen items, unlike now. Also it depends on quite how dumb the developers want to make these guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps with additional short-term debuff when the citizens have to make it (as in, not the carpenter, but the owner). I speak from experience!
Heh, just kidding though :wink:

I also love your watchtower idea. Also,

would mean the first use of the rope I suggested earlier (EDIT: I see you have suggested it as well)! Just a minor point: I would prefer simulated rather than scripted bonuses to line of sight from such things.

Based on the image you provided, it looks like the weaver could be involved in that one, as well.

While I like the idea, I think it would be good if other things come into this, like the tents/sleeping bags I suggested (oh, I see you suggested sleeping bags as well, except not to be used by the trapper. I actually think it could work well for the trapper as well.) Perhaps folding chairs for the eating comfort thing (they could be tied to the back of the knapsack/rucksack).

Why are your rugs two blocks tall?

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Oh! How about books as an idea for the carpenter? To be written in later. Would probably take a long time and require other materials like ink & quill or pencil (at least until the Stonehearthian invention of the printing press), and a way to make paper of course. Perhaps leather would actually be more reasonable, so maybe not the carpenter, actually. Still, I would love to see books in the game eventually.

Also, rocking chairs. For placement on porches and such.

ā€¦ I want a journal, that I can write inā€¦

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Carpenter: Can craft wooden combat training dummies that deteriorate over time

Wooden cutlery and bowls,plates etc makes eating quicker and more enjoyable for your villagers

Wheelbarrow workers can carry more to the stockpiles at once

Wooden spikes used as either a decorative item or to protect your goods from hoards of goblins

Banners and flag post made by the two classes

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iā€™ll keep ti simple :slight_smile:


  • Blanket: Really useful to sleep warm in the night. It ca gives a bonus to sleep.
  • Teddy Bear: Just a small plush toy to play with.
  • Flags and Banners: To show your emblem to other civiizations
  • Tapestry: to decorate the mannors/castles.

Iā€™d add some to the carpenter to do; but i think taht most of my ideas have already been posted in the topic. I canā€™t wait to see how many of these are implemented!!; Weā€™re going to need new options to manage all the crafteable items in the workshop :smiley:
see ya!


Iā€™m thinking you used the Dwarf Fortress carpenter for inspiration, yeah? I did too. I considered the wheelbarrows, myself. Not sure why I didnā€™t suggest them, itā€™s a good idea.

@Raistlin, I suggested blankets (and sheets and pillows) myself, as well as teddy bears (well, plush animals/monsters/dolls is how I put it, more generally). Glad you like those ideas as well.

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agreedā€¦ the carpenter opens up any number of really interesting ā€œdevicesā€, tools, etc. but i keep referring to @Tomā€™s quote below:

iā€™m not sure how complex these suggestions can getā€¦ but we certainly have no shortage of awesome ideas! :smile:

Pitfall traps used to kill larger animals
Trapdoors leading to an underground mine
Cloaks for the different combat units and villagers
Curtains and window shutters as decorative items
Weapons rack and armour manakin

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Oh, right, thatā€™s a good point to keep in mind. Although I pointed it out before with regards to the alpacas, it kind of slipped my mind at some point.

Weaver and carpenter: tents used by trappers when far from civilisation

Sleeping bags: less comfortable to sleep in used by trappers


Awning - Made from Wood and Cloth - Building Decoration
Backpack - Made from Cloth - Additional Inventory for Workers
Cloth Duvet - Made from Cloth - Upgrade for Mean Bed

Window Box - Made from Wood and harvested Flowers - Building Decoration
Bench - Made from Wood - 2 person seating (romantic :stuck_out_tongue:)
Carved Statue - Made from Wood - Decoration

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Weaver: ball> cloth and pelt (itā€™s sort of in the game already)
tent making materials that workers can use to build a tent like they would a house. carpenters could make tent poles weaver could make canvas to stretch between the poles.

carpenter ability to upgrade currently made items example; mean bed upgraded to comfy bed. simple wooden chair upgrade to comfy padded chair
totem poles (that we can put lights on later if we wish)
a Round Table

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Oh my, did you just suggest plushies? :heart_eyes:
Though making fluffy things out of voxels is quite challenging :wink:

Hereā€™s some random, weird, probably repeated ideas:


  • Plushies
  • Scarves, gloves, hats (once accesories have been implemented)
  • Ball of wool for cats or decorationā€¦ :cat:
  • Towels?? JKā€¦
  • Rugs
  • Slippers :laughing:
  • Curtains
  • Umbrellas, parasols


  • Picnic table
  • Easel
  • Garden bench (or maybe a sofa, with the weaverā€™s help)
  • Mirror (one can dreamā€¦)
  • Wooden chest for decoration or opening an UI with the list of stockpiles
  • Wardrobe
  • Desk
  • Wooden spear
  • Wooden bow (with the weaverā€™s thread, thatā€™s a complete bow)
  • Fishing rod (itā€™s complete with some thread, but pretty useless until thereā€™s water)
  • Water mill?
  • Pencils
  • Toy cars
  • Carriages
  • Swings
  • Rocking chair

Edit: looks like a bunch of thing I mentioned would require new functionality, Iā€™m sorry :sweat: