Two-week feedback request: Post your item ideas here!

Probably Definitely going to be repeating a few things here, but anyway…

Carpenter Gear
-Wooden Buckler: Needs to be back in game, picked up using the auto-equip-gear-upgrade logic. Bonus: 20% chance to block X damage from each attack. Ideally should reduce goblin attack damage by 50% when blocking.
-Wooden Tower Shield: Requires cured leather. Upgrade shield for the soldier class. Bonus: 33% chance to block 2X damage from each attack. Ideally should reduce goblin attack by 100%.
-Shortbow: Requires thread. Used to create the archer class.
-Simple Quiver: An archer with a quiver reloads 20% faster.
-Crossbow: Requires thread. Upgrade bow for the archer class. Bonuses: 2x damage, 2x range, 0.5x reload speed. Total is +50% DPS buff, double range. Choose this OR longbow. Could require iron to make (to delay its use)?
-Longbow: Requires thread. Upgrade bow for the archer class. Bonuses: 2x range, 1.5x reload speed, 1x damage. Total is +50% DPS buff, double range. Choose this OR crossbow. Could require iron to make (to delay its use)?

Carpenter Objects
-Simple Trap: Requires thread. Hostiles that step on this take damage. Automatically resets upon use, but has a short internal cooldown of say 2-4 seconds (if only to prevent the same mob running over it once and triggering it a dozen times).
-Wooden Cage Trap: Requires thread. Hostiles that step on this get trapped and unable to move or attack.
-Picnic Bench: A long table with a bench on either side ( Can seat 4-6 settlers for eating (usual seated-food bonus).
-Picnic Umbrella: Requires cloth. Space for 2 settlers to sit under and eat. Provides usual seated food bonus, plus additional happiness.
-Scarecrow: Requires some wood. Causes crops within X range to grow 5-10% faster (scares seed-eating birds away). Maybe also scares away non-combative goblin thieves?
-Hand Plough: Used to (very) slowly improve the soil on a farm. A worker or farmer will push it along the furrows, improving all the soil on either side slowly. Takes at least a full day of solid ploughing to improve soil this way (better ploughs will be available later in the game to speed this up).
-Irrigation Pipe: As seen on the livestream weeks (months?) ago.
-Water Tank: Collects rainwater, fuels irrigation pipes. Takes up 5x5 terrain voxels, and is 7x high. Perhaps build it with scaffolding, like regular structures?
-Sturdy Door: Like a regular door, but goblins can’t enter. Can be attacked / bashed down?
-Double Bed: Double-size comfy bed for 1 settler. Grants +50% comfy bed bonus (such decadence!).
-Sturdy Trellis: Crops attached to these grow 5-10% faster.
-Stakes: Fence posts, but spikey. Requires new fence post placement stuff to be implemented (see @sdee’s comment elsewhere).
-Simple Watchtower Kit: Requires rope ladder (see below), much wood, canvas (see below). 5x5x8 floor plan. Flimsy structure with a box at the top ( Archers love being up here, just like footmen love patrolling stockpiles. Rope ladder used to enter/exit and prevent goblins doing the same. However, the tower can be attacked & destroyed, causing fall damage for those inside. Units inside get +100% to line of sight.
-Saloon Doors: Small, flaps a bit after being used.
-Double Doors: Like regular doors, just two in a big frame.
-Comfy Chair: Requires cloth, makes food seem even tastier.
-Training Dummy: Soldiers like to attack this to improve their combat ability (
-Archery Dummy: Archers like to shoot this to improve their combat ability (

Carpenter Decorations
These could also be used as storage, but would be very inefficient if so.
-Bedside Table: 1x1x1 cupboard.
-Chest of Drawers: 2x1x1 floor plan.
-Tall Cupboard: Simple cupboard, 1x1x3.
-Cabinet: 2x1 floor plan, 3x tall. Bottom is 2x cupboards, middle and top are a pair of big fancy cupboard doors (
-Wooden Trellis: Must be placed against a wall. Flowers that grow on/in front of it grow up the whole plant support (
-Lamppost: Just a tall light source. 1x1x5 floor plan?
-Hanging Basket: Requires flowers. Attached to the side of buildings. Plants die off in autumn/winter, but return in spring/summer.
-Flower Box: 2x1x1 floor plan. As Hanging Basket, but placed on the ground.
-Hanging Flower Box: 2x1x1 floor plan. As Hanging Basket, but must be placed just under a window frame.
-Armchair: Requires cloth. Settlers love to sit in them when idle. Not used for eating. Great for smoke-filled back room plots too (
-Sofa: Requires cloth. 2-3 settlers can sit on these when idle. Not used for eating. Doubles as a comfy bed for 1 settler in a pinch (

Carpenter Storage
-Small Chest: 1x1x1 floor plan. Stores up to 8 identical objects inside.
-Large Chest: 2x1x1 floor plan. Stores up to 2 different objects in it, and you can have 8 of each object.
-Barrel: Stores up to 32 identical objects in it. Takes up 2x2 terrain voxels. Can be set up in stockpiles.
-Shelving: Stores up to 4 different objects in it, and you can have 4 of each object. Takes up 2x1 terrain voxels, and is 2x tall. Note it is as efficient (in objects-per-terrain-voxel terms) as a barrel. Cannot be set up in stockpiles.
-High Shelving: Stores up to 8 different objects in it, and you can have 4 of each object. Takes up 2x1 terrain voxels, and is 4x tall. Comes complete with wheeled ladder to access the top shelves (

Weaver Gear
-Carpenter’s Smock: Keeps you clean, and has pockets for your tools too! Carpenter works X% faster.
-Trapper’s Knapsack: Requires 2x different food items, and much cloth. Trapper can eat & sleep in the wilderness as if in a comfy bed and eating on a chair.
-Farmer’s Overalls: Tough-wearing for working in the fields all day. Farmer works X% faster.
-Padded Helmet: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Leather Armour: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Leather Helmet: Soldier is X% tougher.
-Sturdy Net: Requires canvas. Not sure who’ll use this, but the intent is that you throw it on hostiles, reducing their movement & attack speed. Maybe settlers called out to defend the camp?
-Sleeping Bag: Settlers who carry this suffer no penalty for not sleeping in a bed. Cannot be used by Trappers (see above)?
-No weaver upgrade, on the basis that he should require another crafting profession (ideally blacksmith, for needles) to upgrade him.

Weaver Objects
-Cured Leather: Used to make leather clothing & armour.
-Rope: Used to make Rope Ladders.
-Canvas: Tougher (and rougher) than regular cloth. Used to make Sacks & Backpacks (and in the future, sails for ships).
-Rope Ladder: When placed at the edge of a cliff, it creates a ladder down to the bottom. Maximum length = 10 terrain voxels.
-Cloth Bedding: When made, a worker automatically takes it and applies it to a straw bed, converting it into a comfy bed.

Weaver Decoration
-Fur Rug: 2x2x2 floor plan. Looks cosy.
-Cloth Rug: 2x2x2 floor plan. Fancy pattern.
-Carpeting: Upgrade for floors in a house, covers the wood with cloth. Various patterns & colours available.

Weaver Storage
-Backpack: Units with a backpack can pick up two items at once, but only suffer the movement penalty of one of the items.
-Sack: A cloth barrel. Identical functionality, but made of canvas by the weaver.