Tobias' Norsemen (and women) WIP

Maybe for the Hel Titan you make some sort of gigantic conglomerate of hideously mis-shapen bodies? (Kind of like in Diablo 3 with those mass-grave undead guys)

Right, I have got my Draugr set up in Maya. So intimidating poses are now the order of the day.

Soon there will be animations… but I am having quite a time trying to remember how to do these things. I had a great little attack animation for Sven and some how managed to introduce a head wobble that I couldn’t correct :frowning:
Well back to the book learnin’


Tobias, I Geoffers747 first of my name, universal source of truth and self-decreed Q & A compiler, promise that upon the release of the Beta, a statue will be erected in my settlement in honour of your damn awesome Norse models!


Agree, this guy is impressive :-).

they are indeed intimidating… that looks just plain wicked…

and as @Geoffers747 pledged, so shall i… many small woodland voxel animals shall be sacrificed in your honor…

@voxel_pirate you as well my friend… in fact, we need a qubicle “Master’s Club”, and i have a working list in place already… :blush:

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Those are some pretty amazing Quibicle creations. Kudos to you!

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A Norse is a Norse of course, of course
and noone can talk to a Norse of course,
unless of course that Norse of course
is the famous Mr. Sven

Sorry I don’t know what came over me


Animation Test of a warrior attack
The actual animation takes half as long maybe even less, it is quick but unhurried


I really like how his foot turns as he enters his pre-swing stance. Quite clever!

pivoting the sword… foot swivel… raising the shield for an unobstructed blow… very well thought out my friend…

top notch stuff… :+1:


That animation is very cool, good footwork and shield technique!


another day another attempt at animation… also an attempt to link to a youtube video.

lets see if that works :slight_smile:


Inspiration for my own, projects…

Very nice. You’re going to put me out of a job.

I guess you see why the little guys don’t have arms or elbows now, right? =)

Edit: holy cow that’s a big axe.


yes sir, youtube coming through perfectly… :+1:

and i love the breathing animation… but its no wonder she is fatigued… look at the size of that axe! she could moonlight as the grim reaper with that beast! i pity the poor lumber that she is unleashed upon! :smile:


Another day another channel to subscribe to ^^. Nice work.

@Tom Oh yes! Swinging a sword or axe around a head of that size if you had arms would be a whole different adventure game. o.O

@SteveAdamo Huscarls are huge axe wielding shieldwall-breakers and Hildr is no exception, however It is beginning to dawn on me that maybe my focus is perhaps a little too combat oriented :slight_smile:

Right memo: me, more crafter, environment, building goodies in the future…

@chickenfried excellent! I look forward to the day when we have a mashup of all mods… total chaos :slight_smile:

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I maybe a little quiet for a day or two, I am attempting to setup some infrastructure to support the Norse mod rather than just bashing out endless models like some sort of voxel gun.

So my plan is as follows:

  • Writing some mel scripts to import and setup my models for animation
    in Maya.
  • Standardise my file structure and naming conventions for all the
    assets and animations and such.
  • Setting up my version control (git) to mitigate my horrendous
    overwriting habit (incremental saves are your friend).
  • And last but by no means least I am going to formalise my aims and
    list of stuff todo for the Norse mod, probably start a new thread for all

Any way that is my brain dump for today.

Until next time


Your Norse mod will, without a doubt, be the first mod I download and try. Extremely excited to play with all of your awesome Norse characters. Especially if you can implement that Odin idea (the fated, the doomed, the blessed, etc…). Although I imagine that’d be rather difficult…

But regardless, props to you Tobias for the incredible race you have begun, you should be proud, and I for one am greatly impressed.


Amazing work. Every new thing I see makes me look forward to this more