I’m at a bit of a pass that I’m not sure which direction to go. I’m currently working on a mod that adds a few more modern items. That said, some of them are going to require a new item, called a circuit. As the name implies, this will be items that have a little more electrical property to them, and pretty much work in the same way as gold flakes do to make ornate objects. Now that said, I’m not sure what to do.
I’ve thought of giving it to the engineer, as he’s an engineer. My problem with this is that he seems more like a mechanical engineer in Stonehearth than an all around engineer.
So I thought about making an electrical engineer class that handles electrical things. But then it feels like an unneeded class that was just bolted on…like the engineer mostly does now.
So if y’all don’t mind, I’d like y’alls feedback in what you guys think I should do. Should I keep everything under the engineer, expanding his class, or should I make a new class of electrical engineer?
Keep It To Just The Engineer
Create An Electical Engineer Class
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