The Alpacalypse Campaign

Well it’s been about 185 days since I’ve last posted anything here, but I do have some progress. I’m looking into how the alpacas should look. Now these models are not final and are subject to change, they sort of look like horses but I’m working on it. What do you think?


Pretty great! Everything seems about right. Good proportions, colors, and I especially enjoy the face. One question, though. About how tall are they compared to standard Hearthlings? Next to the sheep they seem a bit big, but that might just be the angle. Looks really well done so far though! Glad this mod isn’t dead! :smiley:

I really like the wolfling. One of the best animal humanoid models I’ve seen :slight_smile:


Wheat is now in the game, so you don’t need to mod it in :slightly_smiling:


I know I’m late for the party, but in the off chance you’re planning to get around to finishing the mod I thought these may serve as inspiration:

Taken straight from Cube World, of course :smiley:


Don’t worry @Dwalus progress on the Alpacalypse mod continues onward! I’m mostly working on modeling until the game is more stable. Til then I haven’t really had anything coded in except for the coffee plant, and I don’t think anyone wants to download a mod that has just some coffee bean plants in it. Thank-you for providing me a cool reference, the alpacas provided look really nice but I don’t think they’re ‘Stonehearthy’ enough. However, I do want to hop into Cube World and look at them just to see how they’re animated. That’s where I’m stumbling right now, is those darn animations.

I’m sorry to everyone who has been following this mod and hoping for progress soon, but have no fear it is not dead. I will try to see if I can get the alpaca into the latest alpha release, it might not have an animation just yet but it will be there! Thank-you everyone for your kind words on the mod and everyone who has supported the mod. If you know of anyone that could help me out with this mod that’d be great, especially with animating. Thanks again for the support guys.


If you would like to view the Alpaca just click this link to take you to my Sketchfab where I have taken the Qubicle file straight from Qubicle 2.5 to Sketchfab.

Great work on the alpaca, by the way. I like the under-shading of the fur. I personally think it would help to make the legs wider at the top and then gradually narrow them down to the hooves, kind of like this alpaca.

I’m pretty sure this alpaca would fit the Stonehearth aesthetic rather well.