I know they’ve talked about it - and I just wanted to state my opinion and get others on the matter for them to see…
I think that if they found a way to make it VERY costly to bring back a person - then this would be acceptable. I would be able to give a example, but the games not even close to complete. This should be a hard choice and ya’ shouldn’t be able to bring everyone back.
On top of that if would be great to see graveyards of the passed away - after battle the people that are left start to gather the dead and put them to rest - or ya’ could get even deeper and perhaps have a undertaker - and if you don’t have one your city stands a chance to get haunted by lost souls…
Oh man I can’t wait to start modding this thing…
Either way what’a ya guys think in regards to bringing people back?
Short and sweet my answer is yes, but make it COSTLY for sure.