Stonehearth Preview and Alpha Give-Away!

Hey Guys!
Just letting you all know I’m running a give away competition to celebrate the first alpha!
Anyone interested just needs to head over to Stonehearth Preview & Give-Away!

Or feel free to visit my channel and take a look around yourself.
Sandbox Gaming YouTube

I’m passionate about all things sandbox and if you share the same interest please support the channel it helps a lot!

Kind Regards,
Sandbox Gaming


hey there @SandboxGaming, welcome aboard! :smile:

very generous if you… and best of luck with the channel! :+1:

Thanks to everyone who entered!
Entries are now closed and the winner has been contacted

It seems the most anticipated feature is multi-play along with mod support!
If you are still interested in winning a copy follow the channel for another give away after the next major patch.

Happy Gaming!

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I am the lucky winner! Just wanted to say a great thank you to @SandboxGaming for the present.

Good luck with the channel ; )

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well, congratulations! :smile: :+1:

@SandboxGaming, would you like to use this thread for future giveaways, or would you prefer to open a new thread each time?