After a long and tedious search through the fan media section I have comprised most, if not all the short stories on the discourse. I gave each one a short description and gave the credit to the writer. In order to put them in time perspective and order the short stories I have broken the “history” of stonehearth into 14 epochs These epochs are NOT official, rather a conception of mine, I personally enjoy the concepts I put into them, but Team Radiant gets the final say.
Please tell me if your short story is not below, and if you think the epochs should be in a different order, or have something else to include. Also do you think I should make the Epochs and index in two separate posts?
Epoch 1 – Beginnings of civilization
Epoch 2 – Rise of titan civilization,
Epoch 3 – Golden age of Titan’s civilization
Epoch 4- Rise of humans (settlers), fall of titans
Epoch 6- Golden age of humans, nearly no titans
Epoch 7-Decline of humans increased titans, and monsters.
Epoch 8- dark ages. Mostly monsters, few titans and humans
Epoch 9- Grey ages. Cid, and the titan/human alliance
Epoch 10-Golden age of titan/human alliance
Epoch 11-Death of Cid, fall of titan/human alliance
Epoch 12- Titan human wars
Epoch 13- rise of humans, fall of titans
Epoch 14- Gameplay takes place here
Ancient books and scrolls
-Book of Elements - controversial book, which describes the beginning - pre-epoch 1 - written by @PyreStarite Original Post
-Book of Genesis (controversial book, which describes the beginning) (pre- epoch 1) (written by @Crazywolf) Original Post
-Scripture of the Book of Fire (controversial book, which describes the beginning) (pre-epoch 1)(written by @naturalnuke) Original Post
-Unknown scrolls of the Ancient tribes (Epoch 1) (written by @lepoard) Original Post
-Book of Mestsua (oldest book, describes the Mestsua civilization) (epoch 1) (written by me) Original post
-Poems of Hjon (describes the titan culture) (epoch 2-3) (yet to be written)
-Flight of Kylos (describes the epic tale of the Titan hero Kylos) (epoch 3-4) (yet to be written)
-Scroll of Dark (the words of an unknown soldier) (Epoch 4) (written by @naturalnuke) Original Post
-Scrolls of Tranquility (Epoch 4) (written by @untrustedlife)Original Post
-Book of Zion (describes the siege of Zion) (epoch 6) (Written by @TheThunderOne) Original Post
-Epic of Zug (describes the warlord Zug and his conquests) (epoch 8) (partly written by me, more to come later) Original Post
-The ballad of Burgton (describes the plague of Burgton) (unknown time) (written by @runBAMrunfaster) Original Post
-The Story of the Itcazie (describes the plague of the elves) (Pre-Epochs (Written by @naturalnuke) Original Post
-Tale of a Storyteller (describes the cycles of storytellers)(late Epoch 12)(written by me) Original Post
-Scripture of the Blocked World (cryptic, complex narrative of a settler and places) (written by @blackArcher52) (epoch 13 or 14) Original Post
-Epic of Gavin Fleeswood (the story of Gavin’s struggle for power and fame)(Epoch 13 or 14)(Written by @Swift_cube) Original Post
-Epic of Lydus(cryptic epic about Lydus the ax man)(epoch 13)(written by @Skull24) Original Post
-Struggle of the Masters(story of the complexity of the martial artists) (epoch 14) (written by me) Original Post
-Epic of the Cid Monastery (The heroic story of the monks that lived atop the mountain in honor of Cid)(Epoch 14)(Written by @untrustedlife) Original Post
-Narrative of an Engineer (the narrative of a modern engineer)(epoch 14)(written by @coasterspaul)Original Post
-Epic of the Coroda Brothers (The story of the Coroda Brothers and West Cherrygourd) (written by @Rybilton) (epoch 14) Prologue Original Post
-Spell Books of Creation (Wizard Max’s theory of the world)(written by @Maximus)(All epochs)Original Post
-The Trineology(description of the planes of existence according to Wizard Nar)(written by @Nar5ial)(All epochs)Original Post
-Tales from Tree Top Inn (stories about the heroes of/in the town of Silverthorne)(Written by @micheal_handy76_mh)(Epoch 13 or 14)Original Post
-The Curse of the Goblins (campfire story about greed and goblins) Written by @SprungCardinal8 (Epoch 14) Original Post
-The Quest for Revenge (tale of Goblins looking for revenge) Written by @Zilla (Epoch 14) Original Post
Big thanks to @naturalnuke for all his help.