Awesome videos, @SteveAdamo! For the second one, I’m afraid the red and blue houses need slate. I look forward to seeing how it works out for Ode to Geoffers!
so what you’re saying is, my folks are slacking… noted!
haha, thanks! we shall try to make some headway tonight…
although i’m still trying to determine how best to adequately convey my heartfelt apology for butchering the town’s namesake… perhaps a combination of a main square statue and public flogging…
edit: r156 | Part 2 … now with more drama!
edit #2: r156 | Part 3 … blah blah blah…
Steve I’m not sure how it’d look if you made dirt tracks by ploughing the soil
I’m thinking that the Trader wasn’t so much interested in the picket fences as the Fence Gates, might want to double check that.
bah! I really need to avoid playing when sleep deprived…
oh, yeah! but, will the farmer work on the soil if I don’t select a crop type? hmm…
As soon as you declare a field for farming a farmer will begin plowing it whether or not it has a crop selected. However, every other block will be raised dirt.
If you want to make a pathway look like dirt, I recommend using the dark wood color, as it is nearly the same shade as the light dirt cliff color
yeah… I was experimenting on a test world, and that one looked very natural…
on a completely unrelated note, I have the first video in my LP for Delver… i’ll get it upload tomorrow morning…
edit: Delver video is up! although there was an issue with the compression… it was recorded in 720p, but YT compressed it for some reason… i’ll see if i can correct that later today… i’ve also updated the OP with a running list of videos on the channel…
i’ll probably record part four for SH this evening, as i’ve had some great feedback on precisely what im doing wrong!
@chimeforest it could look a bit too much like your floor in your houses, I don’t know what looks better as i don’t have stone hearth, as i don’t have a pc hides in the corner
No need to hide, I don’t bite
A “wooden dirt path”, while not exactly the correct colors, is the closest we have right now to actual dirt paths. However, if you spruce it up with some anomalies, it can look very nearly like dirt =P
I actually thought you’d modded in dirt just to mess with my mind but god that looks amazing. I’m guessing you mined the staircase and does it actually work or is it just purely for aesthetics
Nope, no dirt mods, just my little wildflower mod, which is why there are yellow flowers
I actually built the stairs by alternating light and dark wood to match the cliff. I made it hollow inside to save on resources. And it is completely functional; Stonehearthians are able to walk up heights of 1 block and down heights of 2.
@SteveAdamo do you have plans on another video coming soon
hey there @Gridnick… I do indeed! I actually have a fair few already recorded, but haven’t gotten around to post processing…
I have a couple for Stonehearth, a couple for Delver and one more quick play through with Rogue Wizards… I’ve been sidetracked with some home remodeling projects I decided to try during the holidays…
will hopefully wrap these up though and then get some videos published… thanks for asking though!
Steve, you do videos?!?! awesome!
I donnu @paulsoaresjr you may have competition coming …
yes sir! and truth be told, it’s entirely your fault! my kids just love watching “mr Paul”… they finally asked why I haven’t made any videos as well… I gave in to peer pressure from a 6 and 8 year old…
yeah! my 20 subs are giving him a run for his money!
He may as well hand you the password to his account now.
[quote=“SteveAdamo, post:56, topic:8372”]
yeah! my 20 subs are giving him a run for his money!
[/quote] you actually have 39 do not underestimate your greatness @SteveAdamo
I wasn’t factoring in the 19 fake accounts @Geoffers747 created and subbed with, in an attempt to boost my spirits…
Awwww…you sell yourself short, at least one of those 19 might be someone else’s fake account…