they told me that when it updates, the game updates the stonehearth.smod file. But the game uses the unzipt version. So even though the game shows the correct version, your not playing it. Alpha 17 Updated to develop 3000
The game prefers to use the unzipped
version of stonehearth if it sees both an smod and a plain folder. If
you have the game unzipped, when steam updates it will only download the
new stonehearth.smod and leave your unzipped version alone. So the
stonehearth.smod is newer and the unzipped folder is still the old
version. Then, when the game goes to look for the stonehearth mod, it
will see that an unzipped version exists and prefer that one. Since the
unzipped version is the old version, you will not be running on the
latest version of the game.
Hopefully that makes sense. XD