We’ve cranked out a number of updates, tweaks, and fixes to the upcoming Alpha 16 release. As this release contains a pretty hefty update to combat mechanics, we’re taking a bit longer to polish than usual. So please keep your feedback coming! We’re particularly interested in your take on how well (or not?) combat is working now.
Here’s what you’ll find in this latest build:
Disembiggened items
Fixed flashing ui
Fixed disappearing ui
Some more pathing improvements (hearthlings won’t zig zag around as much)
Better cleanup when releasing objects in memory
Now you can spawn an effect on an entity from the console
Added effect on cleric AOE healing buff to visualize distance
Tweak cleric XP
AI fixes so Clerics don’t keep trying to heal perfectly healthy people
Save/load fixes for health percentages
Fixes some health inconsistencies b/w hearthlings and mobs
Health is now tracked an an expendable resource
AOE healing should not happen on nonvalid entities
Better cleanup of notification views
Added trophy stockpile filter
Remove NPC knight and combat basic buffs, moved numbers to monster tuning files to increase transparency in designing NPCS
Added archer SFX
Remove orphaned building structures for better memory cleanup
Make sure grow walls doesn’t happen more than once for a given location
Tweaks to bone axes
Hard mode monsters first arrive on a more random schedule
@Geiseku do you mean that existing enemy buildings can’t be destroyed when attacked? Or are your footmen etc whaling on enemy buildings and are stuck in a combat loop (i.e. can’t stop attacking but building isn’t destroyed).
If I place an ‘Attack Target’ flag near a crypt my footmen/knights/etc. move toward it, attack (and kill) the skeletons/zombies, but then ignore all the structures (crypt/fences/etc.).
If I place the ‘Attack Target’ flag directly on the crypt they will wail on it but never destroy it. I can cancel the order or tell them to go somewhere else and they happily leave the crypt alone.
Yeah, ok. We’ve made some recent accounting changes regarding health (it’s not just beings that have health, you know!). That means that in some saves that have enemy structures in them, those structures may not be accounting for their health properly. The way to fix this is to use the “destroy” command from the console.
"gfx_max_shadows": "Maximum Number of Shadows", -> added
"auto_loot": "Auto Loot",
"auto_loot_description": "When an enemy drops loot, automatically mark it for pick up." -> added
"post_selection_text": "a daunting place to start anew." -> changed
"unlock_windchimes" : {
"bulletin_title" : "The Carpenter has unlocked the Windchime recipe!"
}, -> added
"000": "Upon this paper, you shall find the lullabye to sooth the Mountain's soul. Find a stolen flute. Bid your wood-worker pitch it to this melody. Place it in Ogo's great ogre's path, and watch self-importance meet it's just reward."
}, -> changed
jup ^^ rayya no changes and population only one little change from goblin to ogre ^^ so no real change at the moment (or better no change with effect at the moment)