Steam Latest Updated to develop-2951

Remember the tag line for Alpha 16? “Combat. Just. Got. Serious.” Well, it just got seriouser. More serious. Whatever. Today’s build shows you why.

We hope you’ve been having lots of fun with your new Knights and Archers and Clerics… because you’re going to need all the hearthling firepower you can muster. In addition to the usual bug fixes, tweaks, and polishing you usually find at this stage of an alpha, we have a little something more.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you: Steam Latest Updated to develop-2951 – Stonehearth

go to the dev blog post to read what new and fancy thing the team is giving you :wink:

Other Fixes!

  • Fix for a nil storage_component function
  • Fix for health not always being updated
  • Tons of tweaks to monsters and monster tuning
  • Month and date added to clock widget
  • AI improvements to archers, clerics, and other long-distance combatants
  • Vision in combat is now symmetric
  • Tons of cleanup and alignment in the monster raid files
  • Sheep jerky is now deprecated
  • Tweaks to weapons
  • Fix a bug where well-to-do towns weren’t getting raids
  • Cleric sfx and visual effects pass
  • Combat Tree AI fixes
  • Fix bug with nil buildings
  • Tweaks to XP
  • If a building is currently in progress, do not allow moving fixtures
  • Fixed bug where you couldn’t target/harm objects
  • Add double shot animation
  • Fixed attack leash bugs
  • Add leashes when holding ground; defense command should keep people close to the banner
  • Fixed bug preventing archers from attacking large objects.

One of the big things that’s mentioned (but not well explained) is the need to start a new game; does that apply to everybody stepping up into this newest build, or just people using saves from A14/15?

hmm… you’re right, that could be explained a little better… @brad @sdee or @yshan could one of you clear up the confusion?

Also curious: What does “Vision in combat is now symmetric” mean, exactly?

Hi @Aethrios,
So you can still load up your A14 and A15 saves. However, it is possible your older save will not be able to start the new Orc/Red Kiln campaign because the new campaigns rely on some events from the goblin campaign and we were not able to patch that up for all old saves. If you have an A16 save from a previous A16 unstable build, it IS still possible that your save has already passed the necessary point in the goblin campaign, making it so the Orc campaign will not trigger. Thus, if you want a 100% guaranteed chance to see the new Orc campaign, the best way is to start a new game.


Hi @megashub,
I believe previously, it was possible for enemies to see you but not for you to see the enemy, making it possible for enemy archers to have line of sight to shoot your archers, but your archers cannot shoot back, etc. The symmetric part means that if you can see them, it’s now guaranteed that they can also see you


For Translators:


  •         "date_format_short": "i18n(, [str(]" -> added
  •                  },
                   "ogo_invasion": {
                      "encounters": {
                         "erdenes_congratulations": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "erdene_appears": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Well done, little town. You survive another night. Ogo, his mountain, and his soothsayer are disappeared from the earth, but you remain. Do you celebrate?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "The cloaked orc scout appears",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Yup! It was pretty cool",
                                     "choice_001": "You look... sad?"
                                  "erdene_departs": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "My Khan calls me home. Fair well, little town. To every equal, another day dawns."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Goodbye!",
                                     "choice_001": "Thanks, I guess?"
                                  "ogo_poem_3": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Of lumber born and southstar driven, grew nest of hope in mountains riven"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout"
                                  "red_kiln_description": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "My Khan has seen many years. He is ill. When his star falls, his men will look to the wilds, to grow their honor. Ogo's onus will pass to you, and they will come."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Ogo's what?",
                                     "choice_001": "Will you fight with us?"
                                  "ogo_poem_2": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Oh heroes come, and heroes go, but forever's found in the campfire's glow"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout"
                                  "ogo_poem_4": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "The wink of the gem in the monkey's paw, the rebirth of the star the Gods foresaw"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout"
                                  "erdene_discusses": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "To the great, come the challenges of the great. Power seeks power. To defeat power... is to invite the attention of more."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "More?",
                                     "choice_001": "We can take them!"
                                  "ogo_poem_5": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Who can say? My people believe... well. It does not matter now. The cycles of the gods are not for the everyday considerations of men, lizardkin, monkey's folk or otherwise. Look to your tomorrow, little town, and prosper."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "That's not helpful",
                                     "choice_001": "Thanks, I guess?"
                                  "ogo_poem": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Cast the bones, Ogo's soothsayer did, over the cradle of this land. Would you hear his words?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Erdene considers",
                                     "dialog_title": "Erdene, Red Kiln Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Sure!",
                                     "choice_001": "No thanks"
                         "mountains_gift": {
                            "donation_dialog_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "simple_message": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Music remind Mountain of warm, safe place. Of food and fire. Me give you this to say thank you."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain leaves you a gift",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain, the Ogre",
                                     "choice_000": "Good Luck!"
                         "ogo_dead_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "mountain_notices": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Ogo can you not hear the chimes? Like old memory! Me no want to fight anymore."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain the Ogre lifts his head to listen",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "choice_000": "Huh."
                                  "mountain_notices_2": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Ogo?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "choice_000": "Uh Oh."
                                  "mountain_notices_3": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "OGO? YOU PEOPLE KILL OGO!!! SONG BE MEMORIAL FOR MOUNTAIN FRIEND!!!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "choice_000": "Whoops. Attack!"
                         "ogo_dying_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "ogo_death_2": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Mountain! Fight... on...."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker falls to the ground",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker"
                                  "ogo_death_1": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "What? Ogo Skullbonker, defeated? What soothsayer say? What Mountain say? What about Khan? What about... next cycle?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker falls to the ground",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker"
                         "ogo_mountain_alive_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "ogo_resists": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Mountain, ridiculous! This is war! For shinies! Forward!!!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker"
                                  "renewed_attack": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "See Mountain? They refuse your offer of peace! Renewed attack!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker",
                                     "choice_000": "Attack!!"
                                  "mountain_replies": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Ogo can you not hear the chimes? Like old memory! Me no want to fight anymore."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain the Ogre"
                                  "ogo_relents": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Arghhh!!! But the shinies! Fine. Mountain my friend; me no go where he no go. Your town safe... for now. We return when Khan is well!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker",
                                     "choice_000": "See you later!"
                                  "ogo_notices": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Mountain, why you stop fighting?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Ogo Skullbonker waves to get his ogre's attention",
                                     "dialog_title": "Ogo Skullbonker"
                                  "mountain_asks": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "No. Me no want to fight anymore. What about you, little people? If me no feel like fighting, what you do?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "dialog_title": "Mountain the Ogre",
                                     "choice_000": "No Way!",
                                     "choice_001": "Let's be friends!"
             "ogo_army_raid": {
                "mission": {
                   "sighted_bulletin": {
                      "title": "Ogo's Army Approaches!" -> added
  •                                       "00": " The Red Kiln believes that advancement can only come from conflict between equals. Khan is no longer. And where one falls, those stronger and more cunning will rise."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
                                     "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind"
                                  "msg1": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "You there. Erdene told me of you. She said you defeated Ogo Skullbonker."
                                     "bulletin_title": "An orcish warchief approaches your town",
                                     "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
                                     "choice_000": "Yes, that's me",
                                     "choice_001": "What's it to you?"
                                  "msg4": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "The age of this Khan is over, but new light seeps from the horizon. We do as Cid bade and respect the mark of the Four Colors. Place a Scout Gong in your territory to mark your readiness for battle."
                                  "msg3": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "Now that I am here, I see you are not yet worthy to face even the least of my camp chiefs. In your eyes flame not the lust for mastery!"
                                     "choice_000": "How rude!"
                         "green_tier_begin_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "msg3": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "You ask why? We offer to great Goddess Khulgana! Bring great riches after life. Now you know, you need give us treasure!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "dialog_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Nah"
                                  "msg4": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "You no give shinies?! We take!!!",
                                        "001": "Ha, we was just testing you! Of course we strong enough to take!",
                                        "002": "We take all gold! We revenge for hat melting!!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "dialog_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Ok"
                                  "msg1": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Grek!! You notice me?",
                                        "001": "Oo shinies! Gong! Emerald!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "A kobold stares longingly at your piles of gold.",
                                     "dialog_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "What are you doing?"
                                  "msg2": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "We see you many treasures in piles and boxes. Us need many, many loots. You share, yes?"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "dialog_title": "Kobold Scout",
                                     "choice_000": "Why do you need so much loot?"
                         "green_tier_end_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "msg1": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "Us.. too weak.. Put out Elite Gong if you dares.."
                                     "bulletin_title": "The Kobold Scout whimpers on the ground",
                                     "dialog_title": "Kobold Scout"
                         "blue_tier_begin_dialog": {
                            "dialog_tree_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "msg3": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "We contractors. We make camp. Orc pay us. Those orc obsess with honor, politics, new Khan. Soon enough, they send orc army here and we need clean up again."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Camp goblin",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin",
                                     "choice_000": "I see"
                                  "msg1": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "00": "You recognize? ...No, me don't know you. You saying us all look same?!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "Some familiar looking goblins begin building huts near your town",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin",
                                     "choice_000": "Maybe",
                                     "choice_001": "No?"
                                  "msg2": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "You lucky us busy! What we doing? We building huts. Set up camp.",
                                        "001": "....We busy, so we ignore and go back to setting up camp."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Camp goblin",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin",
                                     "choice_000": "Why?"
                         "blue_tier_shakedown": {
                            "collection_quest_info": {
                               "dialog_nodes": {
                                  "shakedown": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Oh! Me think of great idea! You pay us instead and we make so no orc come! You just need give us some few treasures. You win, me win, both win."
                                     "bulletin_title": "The goblin's beady little eyes light up",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
                                  "collection_due": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "We backs! Where is our shiny loots??"
                                     "bulletin_title": "A pack of goblins lazily slog into back into town",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
                                  "collection_failed": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "What? You change mind? ... You humans so inconsiderate of our time. Now we need call back dumb bok orcs and take pay cut.",
                                        "001": "No has?? We has family you knows! You waste our time! We tell orcs give you no mercy!"
                                     "bulletin_title": "The goblin frowns",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
                                  "collection_success": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "Shinies! Supplies! Maybe this job even better than work for Chieftain. Thanks, human. If you up to it, put out red Master Gong. Ogre take red token as challenge.",
                                        "001": "You that scared of orc boks? Well, good for me! Don't put out red Gong or even bigger, dumber boks might come.",
                                        "002": "Stuffs!! You should hire we full-time. You ask what we do for you? ..We can discuss in contract. Maybe you need us if you display Master Gong and giant ogre bok come.",
                                        "003": "You give good stuffs! Me wolf will be so happy! Have you met ogre chief yet? They like color red. Like on Gong. Ask you blacksmith."
                                     "bulletin_title": "The goblin flashes a toothy grin",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
                                  "collection_progress": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "You agree pay? Good, make us life easier. We come back later for stuffs. We take nap now..."
                                     "bulletin_title": "Satisfy the goblins (again)",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
                                  "shakedown_refused": {
                                     "bulletin_message": {
                                        "000": "You no want pay? Ok. Make little difference for us. Watch, for orc army come soon."
                                     "bulletin_title": "The goblin frowns",
                                     "dialog_title": "Camp goblin"
1 Like
                       "red_tier_begin_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg2": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "Your precious Cid Treaty can't protect you now, foolish humans!"
                                   "bulletin_title": "Ogre chief",
                                   "dialog_title": "Ogre chief",
                                   "choice_000": "Bring it on"
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "Puny town! You mount mark of Ruby! You dare challenge me, Chief Grut Bashbrain?!"
                                   "bulletin_title": "An ogre stomps into town",
                                   "dialog_title": "Ogre chief",
                                   "choice_000": "You don't scare me!"
                       "red_tier_end_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "Don't get arrogant puny humans! Brethren from Capitol await to test their might. Any town bearing the General's Gong will not be unheeded!"
                                   "bulletin_title": "The ogre chief shakes his fist angrily",
                                   "dialog_title": "Chief Grut Bashbrain"
                       "purple_tier_begin_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg2": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "That being said, we too are not to be underestimated. We have fought more beasts and creatures than your settlement could even conceive of. I look forward to our fight."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "dialog_title": "Orc troop"
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "So long it has been since we have seen the Purple Glimmer of a General's token. The Red Kiln would stand to benefit from fighting more foes such as yourself."
                                   "bulletin_title": "A troop of orcs walk towards you in perfect synchrony",
                                   "dialog_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "choice_000": "Thank you"
                       "purple_tier_end_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg2": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "For us, there are many roads for advancement. This is but one, yet fruitful in itself."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "dialog_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "choice_000": "Huh?"
                                "msg3": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "Perhaps you would not understand what fortuity this experience has given us, in this period of political upheaval. But that matters not. The Warchief will wish to meet you again. For now, I bid you well, human."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "dialog_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "choice_000": "Bye"
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "I commend you on your victory. You have proven yourself a skilled and honorable foe."
                                   "bulletin_title": "The orc respectfully bows at the outcome of the battle",
                                   "dialog_title": "Orc troop",
                                   "choice_000": "Thanks"
                       "warchief_boss_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg2": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "The defeat of my chiefs and warriors demands from us recognition of your strength. Let us contend in battle and the greater of equals shall come forth with honor and valiance."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
                                   "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind"
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "As I predicted, fate brings us together once more."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind strides towards you with fearless bravado",
                                   "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind"
                       "warchief_defeat_dialog": {
                          "dialog_tree_info": {
                             "dialog_nodes": {
                                "msg2": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "I now return home. Word comes to me that bereft of our Khan's wisdom, our shaman have delved too far into dark, unknowable things. Nonetheless, if you ever wish to spar again and improve your skills, put out any gong of the Four Colors and we will gladly return to meet your challenge."
                                   "bulletin_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
                                   "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind"
                                "msg1": {
                                   "bulletin_message": {
                                      "00": "Erdene was right about you. You are a worthy opponent indead. We will not forget the strength that you have helped us gain."
                                   "bulletin_title": "The warchief nods humbly",
                                   "dialog_title": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
                                   "choice_000": "No problem" -> added
  •      },
       "orcs": {
          "warchief_boss": {
             "display_name": "Warchief Oghar Norwind",
             "description": "She's the boss."
          } -> added
  •         },
          "orc_tent": {
             "display_name": "Orc Tent",
             "description": "Smells like old laundry." -> added
  •            "description": "Slowed by Spikey Arrows" -> changed

No other changes ^^ but i think thats enough for this one xD


If you’re running debug tools, is there any way to trigger the campaign manually if you’ve already passed the necessary point? Also: What event in the campaign viewer should we look for to see if we’ve already progressed too far?

I ask this because I have a D2955 save that started in ~D2940 that suddenly went completely peaceful on me, and before I reported it as a bug, I’d like to rule this out as the cause.

Are you playing on hard difficulty? There appears to be a bug with hard mode where eventually no enemies will appear. I have a fix for it for tomorrow. Sorry in the mean time. Normal mode should be okay though.
I will need to as @linda if there’s a way to trigger the Orc campaign through debug tools.


The orc campaign should still be able to start if you’ve passed the wolf camps in the goblin campaign on an older save. Yes, using debug tools you can trigger the start of the campaign manually if you open up the campaign browser and click the text for wait_to_start in the orc campaign.

When I tried that, I get a screen full of lua but no obvious button to click to trigger it. Perhaps I’m just not doing it right?

Did you pull the new debug tools? We pushed a change recently to allow triggering of those encounters

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Nope this was Normal mode. The save in this issue is the same game where this is happening, if that helps?

Ahh! Maintaining latest version of debug tools is challenging, as I never seem to catch when changes happen. I’ll go update it tonight and give it a whirl. Thanks for the heads up!

1 Like

I tried this tonight with the latest debug tools. I could find the trigger link this time, but when I clicked it, the campaign map expanded but nothing happened in-game. Then I tried to trigger later events in the campaign, the same thing would happen. In the end, the only event I could get to trigger was the “So you defeated Ogo. Place the gong when you’re ready” dialog. But of course I had not yet even encountered Ogo, so I had not yet obtained said gong. Rather than spawn one, I stopped to report back here.

For older saves, the goblin campaign will most likely not be able to reach the last arc of the goblin campaign (the part with ogo) but the orc campaign seems to be behaving as intended. If you place the gong, you can progress to the next part of the orc campaign.

If you’d like me to look at anything in particular, feel free to send me your save.


Ah, okay. Good to know. I’ll spawn in a gong and move along.

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