Hello World! I’ve been browsing the ole forums for a while now, and decided I should contribute something for a change…
tl;dr: sign smith makes signs; aesthetic/functional
As I’m sure we all know there is a copious amount of villager progression classes. Seeing how this is a city building game, I didn’t see too many classes specifically designed towards the building of… well, cities! There are some that could be considered city-specific, ie the geomancer who may be used for terraforming a nice piece of land on which to build a city, but what after that? The carpenter, mason, and blacksmith all seem to be contributors to the city through furniture and workshops and whatnot, but does this take a secondary role to augmenting other villagers (carpenter crafting tools to upgrade other villagers, blacksmith making weapons, etc)?
Surely by now you see where I’m headed and I’m sure you’re eagerly awaiting the monumental class that will be so revolutionary that the team just has to work it into the game! So let’s do it!!!
This revolutionary class is… the sign maker! I actually prefer sign smith because it rolls off the tongue a bit easier (and you can say it five times fast). I can just hear all the jaws dropping. “Brilliant!” they say. But I digress.
So what’s this mystical smith of signs do, you say? Well… he makes signs. I originally thought this was a purely aesthetic concept, but it could have a bit of function to it. For example, let’s pretend that our villagers are dumb. Not just dumb, but D-U-M. Even though they’ve lived in this hovel/village/town/city for their entire lives, they can’t remember where the blacksmith is and they bumble around looking for it. They are pathed all over this place looking. If only there were… BOOM! Signs!
On a more serious note, you could have signs for everything - directions, buildings, even streets if you were so inclined. They could be purely aesthetic or improve a trait of the villagers using them (walk speed?). Yadda yadda.
The Radiant team has put (at least) some inkling of thought into the idea of signs - on their media page, the image in the 2nd row, 3rd column (the jail?) has a… granted it’s more of a banner, but same idea! I also made a bad one in Qubicle, but alas, being the nub that I am don’t know how to post it (and am not sure I want to)
Sorry for the novel!
Feedback? Bring it on!