WE NEED SIGNS!, it would help the new hearthlings know where everything is :P

Signs would be great for your building to tell you which building is which, like say if i wanted an armoury i would like my little hearthlings to know its the armory not just by guessing:D Hope this will get added in soon as i know it would be a great addition and wouldn’t take that long to do who agrees :slight_smile:


i like this idea, do you mind if i “borrow” it for a simple mod?


so like a wall mounted sign, as opposed to the current banners… yes?


I agree, but how would this be implemented? would you have to write what you want on the signs? If so, when (after the carpenter makes it, when it’s placed etc.)? Also , how would you view the writing?


I love this idea…even though I keep my hearthlings uneducated and unable to read so there’s less chance of my peasants rising up against me. TOIL, MINIONS! TOIL!


yes of course you can 8bit :slight_smile: if you made it a mod that would be great and of course keep the banners i say and i meant like what rust did with the signs allowing you to simply write what you want it to be this could be a great implementation if done right

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