Hey there @fou121, welcome to the Discourse! Let me do my best to answer your questions:
- Not yet. At the moment, you will likely get to a point where the game starts to idle when it is not expected to. When this occurs depends heavily on your computer specs and what you are doing in the game. That being said, performance improvements are always happening, so when you encounter this “late game” should continue to be later and later, ideally not happening at all by the time the game become “stable”.
- Couple of options. You could try using the loot command in the combat menu to trigger their pickup. This sometimes works. More likely to work is creating a stockpile (or moving a storage container) closer to the objects in question. I see this happen most often when the objects are far away from everything else. Finally, stocking is one of the lowest priority tasks for workers, so you could try disabling building and mining for your workers in the citizen menu and see if that helps.
- This thread has a nice list of mods that have been made for the game. Frostfeast and Candledark are some larger mods that have been developed by modders @Froggy and @RepeatPan for the game. You can also check out the “sample mods” from the developer’s GitHub
- For current issues, check out the Bug Reports Category and Performance Category.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions.