Scaffolding constructed for goblin camp adjacent to water


When using the dirt pile to fill in the goblin chieftain’s camp, scaffolding was constructed in the water.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have Goblin Chieftan camp spawn adjacent to body of water
  2. Defeat Goblin Chieftan
  3. Click dirt pile to fill in hole

Expected Results:

1 Hearthling comes and fills in hole with dirt

Actual Results:

1 Hearthling comes and fills in hole with dirt, 4 more come and build scaffolding in water.


release-689 (x64)
@stonehearth/components/scaffolding/scaffolding_project_volume.lua:142: scaffolding listeners are not nil on destroy of scaffolding project volume. This is actually okay on shut down
stack traceback:
	radiant/modules/common.lua:237: in function 'report_traceback'
	radiant/modules/common.lua:468: in function 'verify'
	...omponents/scaffolding/scaffolding_project_volume.lua:142: in function <...omponents/scaffolding/scaffolding_project_volume.lua:139>
	[C]: in function 'destroy' in function <>
	[C]: in function 'destroy' in function <>
	[C]: in function 'destroy_entity'
	radiant/modules/entities.lua:83: in function 'destroy_entity' in function 'method'
	radiant/modules/events.lua:81: in function 'instance'
	stonehearth/stonehearth_common.lua:48: in function 'destroy_entity_forms'
	stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:78: in function 'cleanup_entity'
	stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:132: in function <stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:131>
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	radiant/modules/common.lua:257: in function 'xpcall'
	stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:131: in function 'instance'
	radiant/modules/events.lua:291: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:285>
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	radiant/modules/common.lua:257: in function 'xpcall'
	radiant/modules/events.lua:285: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:251>


Version Number and Mods in use:

Alpha 20, release 689 with debug tools

System Information:

Windows 10 Education 64 | Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 32 GB system memory | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M