Roof unfinished

I try to build two type of building:
One with my own schamtic, the other with the carpenter house.
No one as build the roof. The villager dont destroy the scalford for rebuild the other scalford for my own schematic and begin the flat roof in the carpenter but stay around the fire after the night.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place a custom building or another building
  2. Wait.

Expected Results:
A building finished, with a roof.

Actual Results:
No roof, or a partial roof.

1- My own shematic give a floor. The floor is build succefully.
2- It’s look like the problem in version 1.5 or 1.6.


Version Number and Mods in use:
Mod: 0

System Information:
Nothing appear.

Do you have enough materials?
Could you add a screenshot?

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For the carpenter house, build manually a ladder on the big room. I’ve seen it failing because they couldn’t reach a couple of spots on the connection between the main house and the lower roof (unless in your case it got stuck at another moment of the construction). There are still some scaffolding bugs around (*sigh*).

For your custom building, we would need to take a look at it to figure out why it’s failing, could you upload the template or the savefile?