Region system idea

I have been thinking if the game later on does not have boarders that stop over expansion with out challenge(not count hoards and stuff like that).What I mean is you start wth a chunk of land(like normal) and near you is a flag this flag gives you control of the region.
Be side your region is more regions some will have NPC villages and others will have evil forts of ruined villages with undead(or peaceful land but who cares about that)
So you will have to trade with other npc(or players if possible)
This will give a very game of the thrones feel.

I’m no programmer just very creative if you can make this a mod PLS DO!!!
ignore my grammar…

So basically factions for Minecraft?

we will initially have access to three playable kingdoms… Tom has mentioned in one of the live streams that the player will likely see representatives from the other factions during their game, perhaps as traveling merchants, etc.

it seems entirely possible that there may be more substantial pockets of the other kingdom types that the player can come across during their travels, even though the game is first and foremost about city building…

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@SteveAdamo hats great to hear :smiley:
I still hope that some one can crete the region holding system so I can build a huge city suppled by the surrounding regions and there forts.

I dont get it, why is there a need for regions? why cant anyone just build anywhere?

i think @cole3050 was looking at this from a competitive (capture the flag) perspective…

capture the flag? in stonehearth?

im just guessing here… let’s see what @cole3050 has to say… :wink:

Ok… As i understand you want a mod to apply a system like Simcity 5 has?, so you can have multiple cities interconected through roads or rivers and every city will be specialized, so you have a city to create/trade supplies, a luxury city, a city to train you army… And the way to get new regions would be through mini quests to conquer that new land. I think it’s a nice idea, but i don’t know how well can it fit with the main idea of the game.

And i’ll give an advice as a programmer, if you don’t know how to programm but you have time, energy and dedication, just look for tutorials, start programming yorself!!, i think that some people has started to make good tutorials of lua in this forums!! It’s never too late to learn!! And once you start creating content it’s really fun!!

@Raistlin no I want just one city but I want to be forced to have to trade or fight a npc/player to get other regions and not just be able to build right beside there cities.
so you can only build in the regions you start in until you capture more.

Also the regions wouldn’t be huge but big enough to have a city and farms etc

@cole3050 Ok, so you have a small area where you start and around you there’s another civilizations and other things that block your chance to expand, am i right? So to expand, you have to interact in some way with those other things around your city??

The idea it’s not bad, but i don’t think how to apply it in a fun way, because if the other civilizations are too close at the start, maybe the map it’s too crowded with things. And if the other things are too far, i don’t see a reason to not expand…

We don’t know how big can be the cities in Stonehearth, but i don’t think that the city can be stoped by another close city. Usually, the limiting factor in a society are the avaiable resources, it doesn’t matter how close there’s the other city to yours, the only thing that matter are the resources to keep growing; (and with resources, i’m including people as well as building materials, food, minerals… and things to make our little dudes progress)

I actually don’t think regions are a necessary thing in terms of the core game (I’m not talking here about the areas that you can potentially uncover and name).

I’m pretty sure the guys want you to focus on the construction and management of a single settlement, they stated that they’d have to think about the possibility of multiple settlements and how that would work and be implemented.

But, let’s assume you can have multiple settlements, I really think it would be as simple as right … let’s build here, and we have something within the game that either knows, or allows us to designate this to now be considered a settlement.

It is then up to you how the settlement is managed, how it produces items etc, and how it feeds into your main city.

However regions for a capture the flag style game mode, now that is something I can get behind.

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@Geoffers747 im not asking fo rm multi settlements and I was not suggesting it to the guys I was saying that I think this would be a cool mod “idea” but yes this sorta is a capture the flag style idea so I don’t think we need the guys on it but if they like a region based land system then its up to them.

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Perhaps if we were to think of it this way: the map is generated as one whole, where you can move around freely. However, there are invisible boundaries to these “regions” which the game can use to separate settlements and their build areas, though there is no space between them so that there can be connecting roads/river accesses built without a problem.
Additionally, the computer can recognize these regions to be “occupied,” or not. Whether these regions were occupied with another civ, by ruins, or by a band of rogues, the area cannot be built in until some event was completed such as a diplomatic annexation, military might, or simply moving a certain amount of settlers in in the case of a region without any other people or in the case of there being ruins,

Playing off this idea of capture the flag…
It would be a fun to have to hold an area (flag) with soldiers to enable you to gather “rare” or “uncommon” resources. Have the flags attract monsters and other settlements. Sort of a static reward for having enough military to hold it. Once its all mined or gathered out, the flag goes away.
Enable a random respawn (or not depending on the game/resource etc.)
Its an interesting idea.

exactly what i mean :smiley: thanks for making my idea make more sense