Rayya's update - feedback

what about if they added one you could buy right off the start? that way if you bought one you would start off with 2 of them rather then one?

Would probably take a tiny overhaul to the embark store, but that would be nice for just the Rayya Faction. :smile: The other option I could think of is having some sort of higher wealth shop that could allow you to buy another one, or maybe have the option of getting one gifted to you?

I’m kind of thinking that food should take much longer to grow in the desert as well… I am surviving perfectly fine off of two 7x7 farms (one gourd and one corn).

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from what I have heard the gourds are way OP atm, im hearing people are able to have 1 11x11 gourd farm and they can easily get enught food to last a few days of daily updates and a ton for sale still

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thats the plan, but the desert is till in its early stages so TR hasn’t managed to implement that part yet :smile:

Just some thoughts…
The dessert map should very rarely have large bodies of water.
Any body of water should have a ton of plant life surrounding it(oasis)
They should change the critters to desert critters, like lizards and ground based birds. Maybe just a recolor on the foxes.
There is no way to make feed for sheep, despite many desert cultures having sheep
Grains should be growable by all factions
There needs to be some more faction specific foods.


I could be behind that idea.

I would suggest, however, that they either look at speeding up the ability to make carpenters or give the ability to make the clay scrapper to a different class (which would be my preferred option).

On that subject, I would also suggest that Rayya’s be able to make soldiers from stone mauls because Rayya’s can make those fairly early. In a recent game (although this may have been a bug) I was attacked by 2 skeletons and a zombie on Night 2 before I had the chance to even buy a training sword.

I agree with all of these.

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Hey there @Furin, didn’t get a chance to respond to your first reply, but welcome to the discourse! I think it will be highly unlikely for this to happen. Rayya’s Children follows a similar progression to The Ascendency in that you need to make multiple classes before being able to make an additional starter talisman. I do agree though that it is much slower to get a new Potter with Rayya’s Children then it is to get another carpenter with The Ascendency.

Hi all,
Slight update on Rayya’s children changes that will hit next release:
Food prices are way nerfed so the gourd will no longer have such a high price.
There is new shop functionality to increase prices of items so the shop prices for food will remain roughly the same. Shop price for wood and talismans will increase.

More cook recipes for Rayya’s children are being added

The mason will make the potters cutter instead of the carpenter so it doesn’t take so long to get more potter talismans.

Thank you for all the feedback! We are continuing to tune Rayya’s Children with all your help!



Decrease in shop frequency too, @yshan?


I disagree with this one. I find the fact that you must buy the footman talisman to be part of the challenge for Rayya’s Children when it comes to trading. Resources are scarce and forces you to make some decisions as you play. “Should I start off with a Footman’s Talisman?” and “Do I buy more resources, or should I buy another Footman’s Talisman?”

This shouldn’t be a bug. Night time “raids” should start on the second night. The earliest waves of enemies should be easy to kill with the down defense mode active. Especially with the workers with a high Spirit value.

However I do think that it is rather difficult to get a good defense force ready in time for the goblin war camp. I think as you gain a decent wealth level you should gain access to a shop that allows you to purchase a few weapon varieties (maybe a few bronze weapons) to help you out in case you do not have a blacksmith by that time.

been playing the new guys in the desert since the update so here’s a few thoughts.
not just a new look but an entirely new play style(for me at least) in order to keep up with my villages needs of food and shelter i have used the travelers a lot more, i actually have a pile of money!
the way i had to get equipment for my first soldier i had to buy it, selling some ores i had picked up looking for clay.
on the topic of weapons maybe a pottery maker can make a basic slingshot, made by stone and coarse fiber, one that you spin around to launch pebbles. it may not be a propper weapon for someone who works with clay but i think the only other option would be as Avairian said and have a traider that specialises in weapons appear before the gobbo’s raid ya.

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Thank you.

It didn’t work out for me. I had people spread out too far to gather resources and they picked several off. Since it was so early I just decided to start again.

That’s a cool idea, at least as far as when ranged combat comes in making it so Rayya’s Children have access to it first.

Yeah I am pretty sure the shop frequency is a bug. It is in my list :slight_smile:


Just need to make a copy of the third shop and then use that in the “spawn_shops” generator without an out_edge :wink:

I did that as a hotfix for my games :blush:

You should add the bronze sword as an item in the new shop while you are at it. :see_no_evil:


Loving the update though there is only one thing I can think of that needs implementing before going forward…

  • The ability to place items contained within storage containers

And while I think of it one of the green or blue window frames or doors had pattern in its name in the potters crafting window though it may be fixed now…

you already can, through the item placement UI :wink:

here’s a screenshot to try and better explain,

hope that helps. :smile:

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Whaa I’ll try it again but I’m sure it wasn’t working for me lol

Thanks Mr Crab! :wink:

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone! It’s really helpful to us!


Good debugging! :smiley: Fixed on my machine.


Ah i tried placing the Mason’s crafting table and the placement ui didn’t show nor could i click anywhere to place it…

Ah nevermind i realised i wasn’t in “Place an item” mode, it’d be useful if the option to place this item in the bottom left showed… like when you click on an already placed item and you get the option to move it or uproot it, i think i’m being lazy though but maybe its worth evaluating that disconnect?