I’ve actually thought about this before and was just reminded of it again while playing, something that would be nice would be to have a chest near the farmer’s farmland that holds nothing but pumpkins, the farmer will harvest his pumpkins and put them in the containers until it’s full. however, let’s say your public diner, or your chef’s house, is far away from the farmer. someone takes the pumpkins out of the farm chest and moves them to the stockpile, a large building that holds anything and everything in large quantities. this makes room for the farmer to place more pumpkins in the chest. someone then checks if the chef has any room for food in his chest, and then takes food from the stockpile to the chef’s diner. the chef then prepares the food and places it in a chest placed in such a way that it looks like a shopkeeper’s bar - hearthlings go to that bar and “buy” their food, taking it out of the chest and moving to a table to eat.
in addition to having priority for stockpiles, it’d be a good idea to have a profession for stockpilers, whose sole purpose is to move stuff around, making it so the other hearthlings don’t have to look for wood or food, and can simply go to one spot to get it every time, saving time and easing up the pathfinding. the stockpilers will move stuff based on priority, moving materials from the farm to the stockpile to the chef’s diner, or from the woodcutter’s camp to the stockpile to the carpenter, or even to the site of a new building to be constructed. This allows the chef to constantly be making food and the carpenter to constantly be crafting and the workers to constantly be building by designating someone as the organizer.
a later addition could be allowing hearthlings to have different priorities for certain stockpiles - the farmer’s highest priority for placing pumpkins should be the pumpkin chest, and so he will place it there as soon as he harvests it, allowing him to return back to farming. that should be his highest priority. however, since the farmer doesn’t need the pumpkin, that chest would be the lowest priority for the stockpiler, while the stockpile would be the middle and the diner would be the highest. likewise, if the farmer is looking for food, his pumpkin chest should be low, while the bar at the diner should be high, allowing the farmer to benefit from better food, should the player wish to waste a bit of efficiency in favour of the farmer needing to eat less often, or higher morale. so while the farmer’s “placing” priority would be his pumpkin chest, his “eating” priority would be the diner’s food chest.
EDIT: so after reading the merged topic, I feel I should bring something up.
I assumed that the pathfinder was completely unrelated to the stockpile and the items. the item didn’t look for a stockpile, and the stockpile didn’t look for items. rather, it was left unnoticed entirely until a hearthling picked it up. The hearthling then decides “hmm, do I want to use this block of wood for something, or do I want to put it away?”, and as it is right not, prioritizes using it over storing it. which is why a busy town is messy because no one ever puts anything away, ever. which is why I feel there should be a job whose sole purpose is putting things away, as not only does it make the workflow of everyone easier, it cleans up the town, as no one cleans the town unless they aren’t doing anything else right now.
in other words, I thought that it was the hearthlings pathfinder which decided where objects should go. after all, it’s the hearthling that has to carry it, and the distance isn’t from the block, but rather the hearthling (if 2 stockpiles have 8 tiles of empty space between them and the block is on tile 5, stockpile 2 is closer. but if the hearthling picks up the block from tile 4, stockpile 1 is closer).
while this means that the pathfinder will come up every time the hearthling decides to put stuff away, there are generally less hearthlings stocking piles than there are stockpiles, and less stockpiles than there are items, and hearthlings stock piles only every so often as it is. when no one is putting anything away, I’d rather not have my system bogged down and lagging because the stockpiles have brains and are fighting over who gets what. by having a set stockpiler pick up some wood that’s near each other until his backpack is full and then going “oh, my pack is full. where do I put this?” and from there “which path would be the fastest from here to there”, this would speed up the process drastically, and only call up the pathfinder when it’s needed, and not when it’s not.
I get that stockpiles find entities and then claim them so that when the hearthling picks it up, it doesn’t have to think about where it goes, and simply puts it where it belongs. however, as was stated before, every time you change the filter, every single stockpile must start over from 0. when you’re setting up a bunch of stockpiles (which we will be doing now that there are crates and chests), the stockpiles will constantly be recalculating over and over once the stockpiles are set up (once when the crate is placed, and one for every single time you change the filter in the chest, which would be every click, [if you want resources and wealth but not food, decorations, or gear, that’s 4 more times the stockpiles must recalculate], unless you change the settings while the game is paused, and even then I’m not sure if the pathfinder stops while the game is paused). that’s a lot of pathfinder calls that are utterly wasted because no sorting is done by the hearthlings while the pathfinders recalculate 40 times (assuming you place 8 small crates in a cube and change each one with 4 clicks, that’s 5 recalculations per crate). switching up the pathfinder to hearthling-focused will allow the pathfinder to only be called when the hearthling is putting the stuff away, and only deals with what is in the hearthling’s pack. what’s more, by doing this you can allow all hearthlings to have a basic pathfinder (what stockpile is close, which stockpile do I have a higher priority towards) but give the “stockpiler” job a special pathfinder whose job is to search the stockpiles and decide where the materials should go. if giving hearthlings priority settings, the pathfinder for normal hearthlings can even be avoided entirely, by forcing the farmer to ONLY drop is crops in certain crates, and ONLY grabbing food from the crates in the diner. if and only if there is no food in the diner/the crop crates are all full, will the pathfinder be brought up in full, as the hearthling looks for a place to put his crops or a place that has food. then the only hearthlings that have active pathfinders would be the stockpiler.
sorry if I’m rambling.