Picture of the first time getting the level two hearth.
Hey! First off, welcome to discourse!
I’ve actually revisited my old saves and pulled out some images. Most of them are going to look a bit weird because the saves are old alphas and opening them now breaks things. I’ve tried a lot of different things so… you might draw some inspiration if you like Buckle up, this is going to be a long one!
This town I really loved, I tried to make it look as mad as possible! You can’t even enter some of the buildings without going inside another one and use a bridge

I’m mostly designing temple/fort/palace structures that are far to complicated to even get finished by the hearthlings.
This is my attempt at a Netherlands style of architecture!
This is just a little concept for a bigger project I had in mind. Inspired by China.
And a failed attempt at this mountain town, where none of the buildings ever got finished. This time with a light breath of Switzerland.
And this one was one of my favourite games! I actually played on hard and tried to encapsulate myself inside this fort. And… don’t mind the hearthlings missing eyes, please

Here’s one of my many attempts to create a city that has been carved into a mountain! This one looks very much just like a cave with a random door in it

And here you have one of my megalomaniacal temple projects

This is traditional Czech architecture! With pronounced crests of the roof and colorful details. And… don’t mind the hearthlings missing heads

A hearth update village Titlipunku! I tried to play around with the colors of light as you can see.
Good ol’ Flowerplain… Enclosed inside a Japanese style garden wall.
My first failed attempt at re-embarkation. I like how the little houses are all the same and just have different heights.
The original Temple of Valour in Seth Ra, before I couldn’t rebuild it again…
An attempt at an asian mix style forest village. Maybe Vietnam had the most influence.
And you might have seen this puppy recently The new Temple of Light and Deliverence in Seth Ra.
Sorry about the lengthy post… I revisited my old saves and even surprised myself with how diverse the villages get sometimes So… here you go!
@Amnaa WOW! That’s so awesome, I strive to be that diverse and interesting! thank you so much for sharing! All of your builds are so beautiful and unique and have given me a lot to think about!
These are lovely screens, thanks for sharing!
One of them is a kind of funny glitch where mer burlyhands and Harald duplicated a bunch of times and celebrated endlessly.

And this one is one of my first!
I see you like designing town squares and big roads… I should take notes, I’m not good at these And remember you can press Alt+Z to hide the UI for a nicer shot! Also if you have a separate save with Mer and Harold still celebrating, you can post that as a bug. I don’t think I’ve see one like that around
@Amnaa thank you! i didn’t know that haha still really new
My favorites are all my little guys huddled around and it looks like one of them is telling a story! I love the hearthlings they are so cute!! and I think all the Mers left when I left and rejoined, it was a multiplayer server.
Multiplayer, you say? That’s still a very new feature with its own set of bugs. Let’s just hope somebody encounters that bug again and finds out how to replicate it!
Alpha 10 village - screenshot was taken when I ran into a game-breaking interface bug, hence the weird letterboxing. I’m quite pleased with my little stairs and crenelations leading up the cliffside. Should do that again some time.
Another Alpha 10 village - I really liked my blue houses and I’m kinda sad I don’t have more screenshots of them.
Alpha 11 - the village of Rocking Hopeside.
I really like doing tiered villages - if/when the ability to arbitrarily place down soil comes in a future release, I’ll definitely have to do more of it. To me the whole concept of carving my village into the mountainside feels like it gets a bit compromised if I have to keep my farms at the bottom of the cliff.
Alpha 24.10 Unstable - This is my current town, Diradi:
Far building with the blue doors/windowframes is the kitchen/dining hall, which also houses the town’s cook. Left of that, just down the hill, is the potter’s workshop, with the weaver’s workshop between it and the house with the external stairs in the foreground. The house with the external stairs is the Herbalist’s home/workshop and town infirmary.
Building in progress is my storehouse (which might be bugged, I’m honestly not sure, giving my Hearthlings some more time to sort it out), behind that is the blacksmith’s forge with a little space for quiet reflection between them:
So yeah only my crafters have homes right now. The fighters are going to get a barracks with individual rooms which will also house the town’s valuables stockpile; the trapper and farmer are going to get individual homes near their workplaces once I decide where the final location of those workplaces is actually going to be, same for the herder that I’m still working towards. And of course the workers will eventually get houses as well.
I’ve also color-coded my houses; blue doors/windows are public/public service buildings (this will include the barracks), green are workshops, and red will be private homes. The empty space in front of the potter’s is going to have a little plaza thing (probably moving the hearth there once it’s built) with trader stalls.