Pepe's little voxel & board game corner :]

id pay money to see more peeps stuff :smile:

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Hey Pepe, would you mine making a quick tutorial (step by step) on how you render your Qubicle Creations. I’m (and everyone else) really interested to see how you do it. Please don’t feel rushed or you have to do this. This is more of a friendly request.

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Can we request modules? :wink: That black and white person is so good. You should make a module where he falls out of a black and white rip to another dimension being chased by black and white monsters. Then you can save him because he got stuck in the wrong game. Or he could be escaping from an early Stonehearth alpha before they decided to have color in the game. I would install it immediately and laugh every time one of those little guys popped up.

Holy cow Pepe, your voxel art is amazing! Would you mind posting a front and side view of your Civ guy? I would love to try to recreate him myself. Thanks for you sharing your wonderful creations!

Hey again Pepe, earlier I asked if you could post a front and side shot of your Civ guy and…well, I just couldn’t wait! I studied your guy and tried to faithfully recreate it as much as possible. The only spots I had some trouble in were the neck and the hair in the back, how did you do those spots?


Here’s my first ‘stab’ (pun intended) at Qubicle, and I think it looks pretty good. What do you guys think?imageimageimage


Man, you learn fast. Have you done this before?

Thanks Pepe! I will send you a Mindblower, time enough :smile:

Just inspirational, a guide to clean striking design.
Your work has set the bar so very high for mods.
I must stop waffling now and go fire up Qubicle and practice, practice,practice…

good grief… if YOU need practice, practice, practice… i must need a Priest… :stuck_out_tongue:

your work is astounding as well my friend…

you’re amazing!
after i saw your creations i immediatly did go
to qubicle, so here’s my first try:

I’m not a mariofreak, i’m a pixelfreak.



I made a fish for my Penguin models


Salutations fellow wizard…or Artist whatever miner detail…no one read this anyways…

I would like to complement you on your creation!

-Wizard Max-

(Oh I do so love dealing with other wizards)

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Looks like you have done well!

-Wizard Max-

(Now go and slap some one with that fish…or feed it to your penguin…whatever small detail!)

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Good job Pepe!!! :smile:

i just looked at your creations and its simply awesome! i have no words… the level of details! i whant to see more…
keep up the good work!!!


Very impressive, now I am off on my adventure for the…something, whatever, it does not matter, adventure is adventure!

-Wizard Max-

Amazing Job here @Pepe your work is Excellent and those real life pieces of your are simply astonishing, you could one day compete with LEGO and have a good chance of Wining!!!
P.S. Thank @SteveAdamo for Showing me this Gallery of yours @Pepe !!!

@Pepe It’s been a while since we’ve seen some new voxel art from you. I sure hope you haven’t burned out your creative interest in this particular medium, you are very talented. Maybe you can spit out a few table scraps for your drooling fans *pointing to myself.

quite the contrary… i believe he is hard at work on his board game concept, after his 3D printed models became such a hit… :wink: