I’m not sure if this is really considered a bug or just that the footman patrol option or something similar is not implemented yet, which creates this problem.
Basically what happened was my trapper got killed far away by goblins, then all my workers automatically tried to go pick up his stuff and one by one they were killed as well. Every time a worker went to pick up his knife (s)he’d die and then someone else would go try to get the knife and the previous worker’s outfit. Meanwhile my footman is sitting by the fire.
Blowing the horn to get my workers to fight didn’t help at all.
It would also be nice to have a little alarm go off (similar to age of empires perhaps) when someone is under attack. I seldom read the text in the bottom right corner and was unaware that my trapper was even in trouble. Regardless there was nothing that I could have done to help him.
Thanks for any help/suggestions! I realize that I may just need to wait until my citizens are more capable.