TL;DR: A Footman died right by a boss, and now all my Workers keep marching over there to pick up his stuff and keep getting killed.
So I chose not to appease the Goblin raiders in my current game, and as a result a big goblin camp with a boss showed up on my map. I only had two Footmen, but I sent them both over there to kill the boss. Bad idea. One of my Footmen died, and after that point, literally every worker I had proceeded to walk over to his grave site and try to grab the armor he dropped. Now I have no workers.
What’s worse, I can’t recruit any new Footmen (so that I can actually kill the boss) because they always try to go grab the sword that’s on the ground rather than pick up a new one from my stockpile. It’s an infinite death machine.
Suggestion: I think there should be some way to deal with this kind of behavior. Some possible approaches:
- Tweak the civilian AI so that it only loots items if there are no enemies nearby. (Easiest)
- Let the player designate an area as “dangerous” so that civilians avoid it. (Most player control)
- Flat out change the AI so that it never sends civilians into areas that are too close to enemies. (Most drastic)
Thoughts, anyone?