New Footmen do not upgrade kit if promoted while other Footmen are aggro
Steps to reproduce:
- Promote your first Footmen
- Create enough improved weapons and armor for at least two Footmen
- Wait until your first footman goes aggro and runs after something.
- While the first footman is aggro, promote the second footman.
- Observe the second footman as she grabs the talisman and immediately goes aggro and runs to support the first footman without first grabbing the best available equipment.
Expected Results:
Two well-equpped footmen valiantly defending the realm.
Actual Results:
One gleaming knight and one kid in a loin cloth with a wooden sword. As a result, the second footmen inevitable gets decimated.
Version Number and Mods in use:
A14 R514 (stable)
hmm… this is sort of a bug, but sort of not.
the cause is that footmen prioritize fighting over equipping better gear, which is working perfectly “as intended” here.
on one hand you want them to get the better gear before running to battle, but on the other hand if TR swapped priority’s, footmen would stop in the middle of a massive battle and run back to your stockpile to get the better gear you just crafted, which would also be very annoying…
i guess the system may need to be revisited, for now im not sure this counts as a bug, but rather more of a user preference…
“If distance to stockpile is greater than the distance to target, prioritize target.”
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i was thinking the same thing, but like i said, that requires some redoing/revisiting of the current system.
i’m just waiting for Jomaxro’s thoughts on whether this should be counted as a bug or not. 
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hey @megashub, Jomaxro and i talked about this and decided that due to this working as intended for the current system, this isn’t really a bug, but rather more of a slight overlook in the current system and a suggestion on how to improve it.
feel free to leave your OP the same, or edit it to reflect the change over to suggestions